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I have been meaning to chime in on this for over a week now.... It was so great to have a day to hang and listen to some incredbily creative souls. And, there were some "interesting" events; namely the "loopers vs. the cowboys and the jukebox: which unfortunately was coming to a head just as I was starting my set, and the vibe kinda threw me. Stan and Rick both have made some very kind comments about my playing and I thank you both very much. Hans had mentioned to me when I first arrived at Loopstck that morning that he really wanted to get a lot of "collaboration" going on, and the lack of a schedule certainly achieved that. Perhaps a stroke of genius? At one point we had all of the participants on stage in a glorious demonstation of controlled loop-mayhem. Yes it was tricky to find your space (and often that involved not playing at all...but listening to what the others were doing was just as fun!) Here's my run down: Satnatarium: My God! What a quantum leap Stan has made with his music and looping! Certaily, there were all the hall marks of a Stanatarium performance (the surf-guitar quotes and generous doses of well as the sheer volume!). Yet Stan showed a lot of growth; displaying an array of guitar tones and textures from ambient drones (complete with random speeding up and slowing down of the loops) to Neil Young-ish distorto-rage...and everything in between. This coupled with some very nice arrangements of lopps and song-type structures. I think everyone was quite impressed with Stan's opening set. Ending with a duet of "Love Rollercoaster" with the human beat box Rick Walker was so very cool.... David Giovachinni: a "newbie" brought to us by Jon Wagner, showed some incredile musicality on "toy" instruments; his playing of a kid's toy pocket trumpet was outstandning, and his loping on a laptop with Abelton Live really demonstrated some new approaches. The duet set with Jon and David was fantastic...with the voice of William Burroughs sitting in as a guest. Jon, as always, was simply incredible. No drum set this time, just a lot of "do-dads" from which he coaxed the most wonderous rhythmical loops and shadings...I always love playing with Jon. Michael Klobuchar: dude, you never cease to amaze me! Some really incredbile loops and sounds...and as I was postioned on stage right next to you, I kept stopping to listen to these seriously manicical sounds that were popping ot of your gtr and Boomerrang. Bernard Wagner, who came al lthe way from Switzerland to attend Loopstck, did a short set solo and then, humbly asked some of to join him on stage. What a gas.... I especially enjoyed improvising with Bernard, and his "low-tech" octaver bass sounds created quite a low end rumble as he and I mimiced each others bass-lines! I t was great to meet you, and I hope to see you again (Y2K4?). Bernard sat in with just about everyone, and kept adding really cool little bits to everything. Iwas quite impressed. Then there were those fabulous Walker Brothers....Bill really put on a dazzling show. Eschewing his usual "mission control" setup for two DL4s, he nonetheless demonstrated, and quite masterfully, the use of half-time/double-time loops, the illusion of syncing machines which are "un-sync-able" and a deep and powerful musical sense. I was quite floored by Bill's set..and a bit intimidated at going on after him! Rick Walker again showed us how much fun a looping performance can be. Playing a variety of found objects and kids' toys, his set was at once both fun and profound, and it reminded me tjhat often we become so rapt with the technology and isssues therein, that we, or at least I, sometimes forget that music is fun. He amazed, dazzled and made us laugh. I have come to expect this of Rick, yet, everytime I see/hear him play, by the end of the set I feel happier than I did before. There is a certain joy and beauty the man projects. And finally, Hans...who put the whole thing together, and in sme twisted stroke of genius made it more than just a "looping event". This was the first festival like this where the focus, for the most part, was interaction between the particapants, and a musical dialogue created via loops. That alone is somewhat was his handling of the "cowboy incident" Thanks Hans! Hans' own set featured some rather cool human beat box sounds, looped of course,and then sliced and diced in a really cool and unique way (another technique I need to steal!) and some seriously DEEP dub-style bass lines which shook the house. All in all...a splendid time was had by all...and it was again to see Kim Flint in attendence. And for all those who didn't make it...the next time someone post a "gig spam" about a looping event, and you are anywhere near the venue, go to it! Get and support each other (and, as Rick pointed out) the bonus is the variety of tricks, techniques and inspirations which you will come away with. Thanks to all who were there....great seeing, hearing and playing with you all again! Max