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Hi, I've been assembling a collection of what I call spam poetry, the semi-random words put in messages to fool filters, e.g. At 1:30 PM +0600 6/22/04, Elise Mccain wrote: >graphite atheist adorn stable dispersion babysitter squander >alongside gallon beak eelgrass francine I don't know when or whether I will do anything with them or in what medium. I wonder of anyone else out there is thinking on these lines. Maybe use text to speech software to generate the sound -- or get an actor to read the words in a very formal style (Hmmm.., we could do a cut and paste email text piece, each person adds one chosen line from his spam to the piece as it goes around) -- "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." F. Scott Fitzgerald Visit "Before the Fall -- Images of the World Trade Center" at Emile Tobenfeld, Ph. D. Video Producer Image Processing Specialist Video for your HEAD! Boris FX