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>What I want from Ableton are a couple of small changes/additional >options in Live that would make the initial tempo lock-up much tighter. >Because right now they assume incoming MIDI clock is coming from an >external hardware device, they apply some fairly strong smoothing to >the incoming tempo. This means that when you get a sudden change in >tempo (like you do when you start a new loop, because the tempo is >unknown before the loop ends) the software takes a little while to get >in step. Now because the MIDI clock from Augustus Loop is generated and >timestamped within the same computer as Live, its timing is exactly >accurate and needs no smoothing. So I'd like Ableton to make the >smoothing optional. Os, I'm also interested in faster response from Live when sync'ed to Midi clocks. I requested it from them before Live 4 came out, and they said they'd consider it, maybe via a "hi-res" sync mode or something. If you or someone else puts up a post on Live's request forum, let us know and we'll jump on it and add our voices in support. cheers, Michael