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another idea is to put the CFC card in the computer,
transfer your 4 basic looping tracks individually to
your multitrack software and improvise on top of it on
a separate track.More of a production approach than
live looping though...
--- joao orecchia <> wrote:
have you tried using the digital out and some
combination of either the
analog stereo out or sends to get all four tracks
individually into the
computer? i mean, i know there are sound cards with
4 analog ins that could
do this, but im not sure if there are any good ones
which i can afford at
the moment.
On 10/31/04 6:31 PM, "Per Boysen" <>
On Oct 31, 2004, at 12:21, joao orecchia wrote:the digital in on an
i was wondering if i plug the digital out into
just get stereo.external
sound card if i can split the four tracks or do i
On Oct 31, 2004, at 15:40, Tim Nelson wrote:interface in
I'm not sure, but I suspect that'd just be stereo
unless you used some sort of multichannel
and it's only twobetween the units.
I'm sure, though, since I've tried exactly that -
channels, stereo.thinking
I don't currently own a laptop, so I'm
still in the exploratory stages, but what I'm
files,would be useful would be some sort of multitrack
sequencer to play back these short, looped wav
thewith a breakout box that would allow me to send
resource forvarious tracks to different channels so that they
could be processed individually.
Can anyone point me towards a good online
lot of laptop usersthis sort of info?
How about this mailing list? AFAIK we're quite a
here! You might have look at Ableton Live as asuitable software since
it is multitrack, has faders and a simple "midilearn" way of mapping
external midi faders. Most questions about multiout/input laptop sound
cards and break-out boxes has been discussed atthe Live forum and
with the forum search function you can scan it forspecific
Greetings from Sweden
Per Boysen
--- (international) (Swedish site)
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