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Re: Review Blurbage of Listmember Tim Mungenast's 'The Un-Stableboy'

--- Larry Cooperman <coop@newmillguitar.com> wrote:
> I've heard The Un-Stableboy and I'd go with what you
> said although I 
> think the retro aspects of the CD are just

Oh, I do too. Disinterested journalism aside, I'm
definitely in the second camp. 
> I called it the human voice on lithium but I sure
> like it for some 
> reason.  maybe it just slams me back into those
> idiosyncratic days when 
> musicians indulge themselves in themselves but it's
> quirky and just plain honest.

What can (sometimes) be annoying about a lot of
retro-inspired music is its historical revisionism; in
trying to zero in on what is NOW considered to be the
'cool' parts and steering clear of the dated
goofyness, something else is created that in many
cases falls short of either the vintage style to which
it pays tribute or something contemporary. 'The
Un-Stableboy' is in some ways the diametric opposite
of that; first and foremost, I'm hearing catchy,
well-crafted songs. As a secondary function, those
songs are done in a way that reminds me of the naivete
of an earlier era, embracing all of it, even the parts
that make ya cringe, with an end result that it's a
whole lot of fun to listen to. Tim avoids the
'hipper-than-thou' posturings of, say, Oasis.

I love the cover art, too!


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