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Re: Hooking Rang into two amps

I once solved this problem with two a/b switches. 
It's not terribly elegant because it requires two
button-stomps in between changing instruments, but
it's not bad.  An a/b switch at the front of your
chain allows you to plug in two instruments and switch
between them.  A switch at the end of your chain
allows you to send the signal to two amps and switch
between those.  

--- Jesse Raderman <rade7148@fredonia.edu> wrote:
> Hey everyone, I have a question to any who could
> help with
> this sort of thing. The band that I'm in has many
> songs
> based around my looping on the Boomerang phrase
> sampler. My
> problem is that I want to be able to hook up my
> boomerang to
> loop electric guitar through a fender twin reverb as
> well as
> looping my acoustic and some vocals/percusions
> through the
> fx loop on my Fender Acoustasonic Jr. I really don't
> know
> anything about rigging up a two amp system for live
> stage
> performances and if it is even possible to hook the
> rang
> between the two amps, especially since the twin
> reverb
> doesn't have an fx loop. If anyone has any ideas or
> suggestions they can run by me, all help would be
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Jesse Raderman
> www.hotbeetsandspinach.cjb.net

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