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A lot of people are trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I
say f*ck that.
You're an idiot. Go try to find a pointless fight somewhere else.
Without even listening to your music, I'm going to predict that it
utterly SUCKS.
Prove me wrong, kid.
Wind-stick Devil wrote:
> Ahhh. Go back to watching Hannity & Colmes or the O'Reilly Show!
> */mark sottilaro/* wrote:
> So, why are you hiding your incredibly creative
> instrumental licks? Lay it on us, my friend.
> My feelings about critisism are unless it's asked for
> or you're being asked to pay money to hear something,
> don't. Most of the posters are not professionals and
> do it as a hobby for fun. I'm one of those people. I
> also ask for comments and except them, but usually
> they're a lot more elequent than "too much noodling."
> That's why I'm on this list. Most of the members are
> great and I've learned a LOT from them. Some here my
> enjoy my music, some may not. I hope those who hate
> it ignore it and those who like it savor it.
> Why cut down someone's music for no reason? Don't
> listen to them if you don't like them. It's one thing
> to buy someone's CD and say, "I didn't like this
> because of x." and another to generalize and make a
> rude commen! t with no information to back it up. Let
> me answer my question. Because agression is a great
> way to mask weakness. My cat taught me this. (a 16
> pound lump of cat-chub dominates a 75lb pitbull mix in
> my home) So, back it up Mr. Wind-Stick and show us
> your amazing music.
> Mark
> --- Wind-stick Devil wrote:
> > Well, 'site' referring to some of the MP3's or links
> > pointing to MP3's, et al from some of the posters to
> > LD.
> >
> > I'm just amazed that a lot of ohhhhs and ahhhhhs are
> > paid to some folks music that frequently is
> > essentially self-indulgent noodling with long
> > delays, galaxy-sized reverb patches and ebows.
> >
> > But for music with incredibly creative instrumental
> > licks (like mine), I frequently hear a yawn from the
> > collective. Is it me?
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 4/24/05 4:36:13 PM,
> > wklemmer1@yaho! writes:
> >
> >
> > A lot of the music I auditioned from the site
> >
> >
> > what site?
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