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Tim kisses the kilowatts Re: Community

Herr Nelson:
You were at my show? And... hee hee... you saw me complete the path to
ground through the microphone, testing my own earlier thread?
(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttttt!!! )
You shoulda come up and said "hi"! I'm very approachable, even when reeling
from electrical shock!

And I'm glad you liked "Astronomy," but I can't take credit for it. That's
a Syd Barrett tune from the first 'Floyd LP. I adore old psych.

Tim Mungenast

> [Original Message]
> From: Tim Nelson <psychle62@yahoo.com>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Date: 5/6/2005 5:45:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Community
> --- stanitarium@earthlink.net wrote:
> > ...the walker bros...(hey i bought yer records back
> in
> > the 60s!)
> Ha, one of the very first LPs I ever owned, along with
> the 'Hard Days Night' soundtrack album, was by John
> Stewart and Scott Engel, billed as "Original members
> of the Walker Brothers"...
> I've been thinking about Mark's distinction between
> various levels of community, and I have to agree that
> in an online-based community such as this one, there
> is sometimes a bit of the residual 'lurker' mentality
> remaining even when we do go out to live events. I
> dunno, maybe there's an appeal to the incognito
> factor, but I often go to events I hear about on this
> list without feeling the need to make my presence
> known. Sometimes I'll introduce myself, sometimes not;
> it's not an antisocial symptom or anything. Maybe I
> just find it difficult to carry on a conversation in a
> noisy, distracting environment, or feel reluctant to
> bug people at gigs...
> Fer example, last Saturday I saw a listmember test an
> earlier thread about using a poorly-grounded vintage
> tube amplifier, and then close his set with a great
> original song called 'Astronomy Domine'... :)
> -t-
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