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"And then there was George's "My Sweet Lord" (!)" Post-Beatles, but I see your point. Great song, though ;-) "Also of note: something in the way she moves is a lyric from James Taylor--" Really? From which record? "And what about "Golden Slumbers"?" I dunno; what *about* "Golden Slumbers"? Clue me in... > [Original Message] > From: Gary Lehmann <> > To: <> > Date: 5/9/2005 11:14:22 AM > Subject: Writing Someone Else's Song (was: Pagey vs the Beatles) > > >>The difference is that the Fab Four never earned Pagey's reputation as >a > plagiarist. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Beatles never pretended to have > written someone else's song....<< > > Duncan wrote in reply: > not, certainly, to the same degree as page & some of the other blues/rock > artists, but lennon did come a cropper over a line in "come together" which > resulted in his having to appease chuck berry by recording at least one >of > the latter's songs for "rock & roll", post-beatles. & whilst not strictly > musical magpies in the same sense as led zep et al, the beatles were > certainly at least influenced by what they heard- byrds, dylan, varese, > stockhausen, cage...... > > --->And then there was George's "My Sweet Lord" (!) > Also of note: something in the way she moves is a lyric from James Taylor-- > And what about "Golden Slumbers"? >