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Recycling existing material is not necessarily repeating what was played originally. A few things Iıve tried..... Using feedback pedal or swell pedal to fade notes into the loop Output volume down until your curiosity gets the better of you. Dropping straight into reverse after record, feedback at zero Play insert, scroll backwards and forwards over section (rec/play) Play insert in rhythm with half-speed function (rec/play) Play mute button rhythmically (start and continuous) The substitute button Flip mode Processing the sends to loopers Processing the returns from the loopers Sending dry only or wet only to the loopers The off switch Pitch shift on Repeater ³Plate spinning² i.e. Constantly maintaining/remaking a loop. Taking time to play before looping a phrase only loop when you need to Play ratty little noises, play quietly, leave space, orchestrate Iım sure thereıs more. What I hope to achieve by these techniques is that the listener will not recognize the loop as what has just been played itıs a new thing. Best wishes Jeremy jeremy > > > Oh yeah, to loop is to repeat-- > Depending on how much presence of mind you have left, variations can be > achieved--but it always involves recycling existing material. > What's your opinion? > Gary > > > >