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The Repeater does indeed let you record up to 99 loops and they can be of any length and have up to 4 tracks each. They are fairly rare at this point, however Electrix is back in business and is talking about releasing the Repeater MKII this summer. I wouldn't hold my breath (The Repeater 1 was a year late) but if they release a Repeater that fixes all the issues with the first generation you will have one hell of a powerful device. I still use my Repeater almost every day and there's nothing else that touches it IMO. Mark > >>> >> I'm just looking for the right tool. Maybe > someone created a real time > >>> >> sampling patch with Max MSP, Super Collider > or Pure Data? Anyone heard > >>> >> of > >>> >> that? > >>> >> > >>> >> Greetings from Sweden > >>> >> Stéphane > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>>> >>> No, and Yes, > >>>> >>> Can you create a loop of a given length, > then create one of another > >>>> >>> length, > >>>> >>> and then one of another length, > etc??, but what you can do is > >>>> >>> create > >>>> >>> a > >>>> >>> loop, use the multiply function to double > the original loops length, > >>>> >>> create > >>>> >>> another loop (track) over the longer loop > length (say that ten times > >>>> >>> quickly), then use the multiply function > again to increase the overall > >>>> >>> loop > >>>> >>> length, and record another track, repeating > the process. This does > >>>> >>> allow > >>>> >>> the > >>>> >>> user to have loops of increasingly longer > length, but as multiples of > >>>> >>> the > >>>> >>> original loop length. Does that make sense? > let me put it another way, > >>>> >>> You > >>>> >>> can't have a one bar phrase followed by an > eight bar phrase, followed > >>>> >>> by > >>>> >>> a > >>>> >>> five bar phrase, followed by a 3 bar > phrase, but you can create a loop, > >>>> >>> create another loop twice as long, another > loop twice again as long, > >>>> >>> etc, > >>>> >>> all using the multiply function.... I will > probably pony up for another > >>>> >>> Repeater, and I would highly recommend it > to even the most diehard > >>>> >>> echoplex > >>>> >>> dudes, particularly if they do indeed > address some of the units issues. > >>>> >>> Bill > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> -----Original Message----- > >>>> >>> From: jj 179 [] > >>>> >>> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:34 AM > >>>> >>> To: > >>>> >>> Subject: Re: Digitech JamMan??? > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> So ... quick dumb question ... will the > Repeater allow you to have > >>>> >>> multiple > >>>> >>> loops of varying lengths playing > simultaneously? > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>> >>>> Sombody said something about a preorder > option for the Repeater V2 > for > >>>>> >>>> $499 > >>>>> >>>> some days ago... > >>>>> >>>> > >>>> >>> > >>>>> >>>> > >>>>> >>>> > >>>>>> >>>>> > >>>>>> >>>>> Other than the large, removal memory > (which is a great and > >>>>>> >>>>> well-overdue > >>>>>> >>>>> idea), I can't tell that there's a huge > difference in functionality > >>>>>> >>>>> between this and the original JamMan > (which I still own and love). > >>>>>> >>>>> > >>>>>> >>>>> I'm still looking for an *inexpensive* > way (i.e. under $500 if at > all > >>>>>> >>>>> possible) to have multiple loops **of > different and > >>>>>> >>>>> not-necessarily-related lengths** > looping together in the same box. > I > >>>>>> >>>>> know > >>>>>> >>>>> some of the more expensive units like > the Repeater and the EDP can > >>>>>> >>>>> supposedly do this, but boy I'd sure > like a cheaper option. :} > >>>>>> >>>>> > >>>>>> >>>>> > >>>>> >>>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >>> >> > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > === message truncated ===