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RE: The Brondesberry Tapes

The Brondesbury Tapes is a proto-king crimson album (in fact it contains a
proto-version of "I Talk To The Wind".
Since it wasn't an album meant to be released at the time, but more of a
demo tape the recording quality varies much from one song to the other...
Even the genre varies between the various songs. There are some tracks I
really like (I really dig the two versions of "Why don't you just Drop In" 
fripp as a hippie :-)...)
I really like it, and I strongly recommend it.


-----Original Message-----
From: mjnoble [mailto:not8ohm@iinet.net.au] 
Sent: sabato 2 luglio 2005 7.05
To: Loopers-Delight
Subject: The Brondesberry Tapes

hi all.

is anyone familiar with this early fripp/giles/giles album?  any opinions?
