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Using FCB1010 of other MIDI foot controller + pc +
software as JamStation (LoopStation)
There is 2 devices ive see - Boss RC-20xl Phrase
Recorder and Digitech
Behringer pedal can provide Total control over the PC
( if software
assignable to midi control )
What u can say about this idea - may be its work - hey
people who use
it in this way?
Hmmmmm... Very hard to imagine how to emulate some of
auto funcions of
harware devices ( as LoopStations).
Boss provides auto-quantanise functions and phrase
select and shift.
Can sequencer START play if i press pedal 1.
pedal 2 - STOP.
pedal 3 - Next Phrase.
How can i store many phrases in sequencer and mark
them by numbers?
I know MARK function in SAMPLITUTE ( ) - so i
can put many
phrases in one sequencer track, then assigne a mark to
start of each
loop/ so then i need to assigne to pedal function PLAY
and REWIND (?)
I want to use it LIVE!!!
So i play on my guirar - i predd pedal 1 - then
sequencer start the
Then i end my phrase i press the button again - Rec
Then i play next part of song - and press pedal 2 -
Sequencer starts
to play recorder part !!!!!! And i play solo over my
riff !
Than i press pedal 3 - and my solo record too!
Than i want to have ability to play rythm+ solo ( they
call it
OVERDUB function) and play over this new phrase some
Thats i want/
See picture
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