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Mark, Check the "SamplerStyle" parameter. Assuming the new cycle, as defined by the unrounded ending of Insert, has the same StartPoint that the loop had going in (and I think it's supposed to), then you want SamplerStyle set to "Sta" (for Start). That way, whenever you switch loops with NextLoop, it will start from the beginning of the loop. Other settings for SamplerStyle (many, if not all others) leave NextLoop switches to be "continuous", i.e. you enter the loop where you left it last. If, however, the unroundedInsert is leaving the beginning of A3 as the StartPoint for the (now consolidated) loop, you may need to re-set the StartPoint of the loop using the StartPoint function. The manual has the details. I hope that helps. Cheers, Jon Southwood On 8/23/05, Mark Smart <> wrote: > That ALMOST works. Or rather, it works in terms of making that loop >contain the > right stuff. Unfortunately, it seems like after I do the insert, the >Echoplex > thinks that the end of the inserted section is now the beginning of the >loop. So > when I hit Next Loop to go to the other loop (the background for playing >solos > on) it jumps to that loop after the B section rather than at the place >where the > original beginning was. (I use SwitchQuant to switch between loops) > > It happens like this: > > I record in my three "A" sections: > > A1 A2 A3 > > Then when that plays back, I hit and hold Insert while playing in the "B" > section. The end result that I want is this: > > A1 A2 B A3 > > But what I get is: > > A3 A1 A2 B > > It has redefined the beginning of the loop to be on the beginning of A3. >So if I > hit Nextloop it changes loops in the wrong place. Maybe I still have >something > set wrong, I dunno. > > Maybe I should give up on trying to have different drums on the bridge. >Much > easier to deal with! > > Mark Smart > >