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RE: flexible looper in small package--it ain't the RC!

I don't think flexibility or price have much to do
with anything.  I've seen really cool performances by
loopers using a couple of analog delay pedals and some
found objects.  The RC-20 is for sure not my thing,
but I have an easy time believing that someone could
make cool music with one.

I've got what's considered one of the most "flexible"
loopers made: The Electrix Repeater.  90% of the time
I use it in the most basic of ways.  It's not even the
scope of what it does as much as that a subset of what
it does is what I need it to do for the thing I want
to create.  No reason the RC-20 doesn't have that for
someone... just not me.  Tell me your looper doesn't
do feedback of any type puts it off my list but I'm
not everyone.  Hell, the EDP doesn't even do what I
want.  Different tools for different jobs.


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