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RE: PRO vs. AM was Re: Defining "pro"

IŽd say there are artist musicians and there are
prostitute musicians,professional or amateur...

> "A professional does for money what an amateur does
> for the love of it."
> This falls into the same category as the wisdom that
> says
> "Those who can't do, teach"
> It is ignorant and mean spirited.
> I've been an artist all of my life.   In every
> situation I've ever been in, 
> I have always created the space to have a completely
> original project, dedicated to pure artistry:   pure
> expression in whatever 
> medium I was involved in...............from rock and
> roll
> to funk to jazz to new wave to world music to
> electronica to found sound to 
> live looping.
> I have also not had a conventional 'day job' for the
> last 25 years, having 
> made all of my living as a musician in one form or
> another
> (studio recording, touring, local gigging, teaching,
> music production, live 
> sound engineering, music business consulting, et.
> al.)
> I am a pro and I'm proud of it.   I worked my ass
> off to survive and it has 
> been very difficult to do so at times.   I ate
> burritos and quesadillas and 
> other cheap food for the better part of ten years so
> that I could keep my 
> eye on the prize:   music.
> I am not cynical or calculating in being a
> professional.   I pride myself on
> trying to have a service orientation in my work (I'm
> a drummer for god's 
> sake so it goes with the territory..........lol).
> I also do not look down or put down musicians who do
> not make their living 
> as professionals.  I'd never put on a looping
> festival if I had this 
> attitude.
> Some of the very best musicians I know are not
> 'pros' in the strict 
> definition of the word.  I could care less.  They
> are wonderful and 
> innovative musicians.
>  Some of the very best musicians I know are also
> consumate professionals, 
> both in spirit and in the letter of the term.   You
> want to tell me that 
> Debhashish Battycharya, Bob Brozman, Martin Simpson,
> Deepak Ram and 
> Babatunde Olatunji are cynical hacks because they
> are so good that they make
> all of their living being musicians.   Be real,
> please.
> Distinctions between pro and amateur are spurious in
> terms of artistry, I 
> believe.
> My definition of a true artist is someone who does
> art every day, whether or
> not they make their living from it.
> I know great artists who have day jobs,   terrible
> hacks who are pros.
> I also know terrible hacks who are proverbial
> 'weekend warriors',  a term 
> bandied about by professional musicians who are also
> equally ignorant and mean spirited.  I've known
> great artists who are 
> professionals.
> *********
> In this discussion, folks, let's be
> honest.........................everyone 
> on earth wishes they could do what they most love
> for a living.
> It's simple............if you love something, you
> want to devote as much 
> time to it as you can and making a living doing it
> merely affords you the 
> ability to put more energy into your 
> art...........................sometimes.      Having
> to play three to five 
> gigs a week to pay the bills can also be exhausting
> and can definitely keep 
> your eye off the 'prize' of artistry.
> There is no need to put people down in this
> discussion.   Every truly great 
> master artist I've ever known has never had this
> kind of 'US' and 'THEM'
> mentality.  Period. Point. Dot. 


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