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I use the 1010 exclusively with the echoplex.  It is very easy to program.
Simply use the manual to deduce how to program individual pedals, then use
the oberheim to pick out those controller numbers and you'll have two banks
going immediately. 

As far as your question goes, no, I know of no definitive, easy way out...

Since you use an fcb with your repeater, it seems as though your only step
is the numbers to use with the oberheim.  There is an excel sheet somewhere
on the LD site, probably in the files section, with all the controller
numbers and note numbers listed.  It's in the obie manual too, of course.

Really, it's very easy.  If you have specific questions, I'm sure a bunch 
us will jump in immediately to support you.

I remember a lot of discussion and instruction on the list, and since 
found a lot already, you probably have everything you need.  Even down to
arguments around whether to use notes or controllers (I use note numbers,
and controllers for the cc pedals.  Usually 7 and 11.    So if I set my
control source to 10, then my record button, which is the first pedal on 
left of the bottom row ends up to be a note number 12 (with the +2 offset)
I do hope that helps to begin with...

All best,


On 10/19/05 10:11 PM, ".David.Auker." <DaVAuk@Hevanet.com> wrote:

> I'm about to wade into setting up the FCB1010 to control the Echoplex.
> I've searched the archives a little, and found discussion...I'm
> wondering if someone could point out a good source, something
> definitive, something basic.  There has to be a "jackpot" somewhere in
> the archives -- is there a summary at an easily-found source?
> Thanks,
> David (currently using FCB with Repeater)

³Virtue is just repression waiting to go bad² - Trevor Exter

³Classical music is related to the past more than it is related to the
creative part of sound² - Ornette Coleman
Todd Reynolds
42-09 47th Ave 1C
Sunnyside, NY  11104
Ph.    718 392-3773
Mob.   917 576-6166
Fax    419 781-5502

9175766166@vtext.com (155 characters or less)
AIM ID: toddreyn