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Well, that's a new spelling of "unsubcribe" if I ever saw one... On 10/25/05, daniel stevenson <> wrote: > fuck you asshole bitch sodomite fuckwadd!!! > > samba - <> wrote: > 10/21/05 > > > ARCO / BEEP Electronic Art Awards > > > > > > > > > First edition of the ARCO / BEEP > Electronic Art Awards > Sponsored by BEEP, > in collaboration with ARCO > > > Registration form will be available on the ARCO/BEEP Electronic Art Prize > website, > > Additional information: > Jury's Secretariat > Vicente Matallana / LaAgencia > Tel: (34) 91 366 8821 > E-mail: > > > > > > > BEEP / Data Logic aims to create an electronic art collection, through > awarding Acquisition Prizes. Therefore, it is organising the ARCO/BEEP > Electronic Art Awards. > > The goal of these Awards is to advance the production and exhibition of > electronic art, and art linked to new technologies. Its purpose is to > promote new high-tech art, and to foster communication between the > manufacturers/creators of this new technology and those who create art. A > natural collaboration, which will benefit and enrich both sides. > > There are two ACQUISITION PRIZES: > > 1) @ARCO Prize: worth 8,000 euros > > 2) Off-ARCO Prize: worth 6,000 euros > > The Prizes will be awarded by an international Jury of prestigious > specialists. > > > 1. ARCO / BEEP Acquisition Prizes > > Description > > 1) @ARCO Prize > To be eligible, an artwork must be shown at the 25th edition of ARCO, the > International Contemporary Art Fair, in Madrid (9-13 February 2006), and > must have a significant component involving new technology or electronic > media. > > Before ARCO'06, these eligible artworks must also be previously submitted > for consideration by their galleries, through registration on a webpage >that > shall be created to this effect. > > 2) Off-ARCO Prize > Artworks presented by individual artists, or collectives. > > The Prize-winning artworks shall become part of the BEEP/Data Logic > corporate collection. > > The @ARCO Prize shall be endowed with 8,000 euros, and the Off-ARCO Prize > with 6,000 euros—a total of 14,000 euros for the acquisition of the two > artworks. > > - The Prizes shall be awarded according to the Jury's decision. > - The Jury shall determine the winner in each of the two categories. > - Registration opens: 5 p.m. Madrid time (GMT+1 hour), 28th October 2005. > - Registration deadline: 5 p.m. Madrid time (GMT+1 hour), 16th January >2006. > - Prize money: 14,000 euros for the acquisition of the two artworks. > - Announcement of winning artworks: 11th February 2006. > > Should any of the money earmarked for acquisition remain unspent, the >Jury > may decide whether to devote this amount to a future edition of the >Awards > or to acquiring a third artwork selected from amongst nominees for the > present edition; in this case, the artwork would be considered to have >been > awarded an Honourable Mention. > > 2. Participation Rules > > • Any artwork may participate—as long as it is presented by a gallery > exhibiting at ARCO'06 (@ARCO Prize) or by individual artists, or >collectives > (Off-ARCO Prize)—that involves significant use of new technology, or > electronic media. > • The artworks must have been previously registered on the webpage that > shall be created to this effect. > • The eligible artworks must be exhibited with a price tag. > • Acceptance of artworks shall be the responsibility of the Jury, whose > decision shall be final. > • Acceptance of a Prize involves ceding ownership of the prize-winning > artwork to the company BEEP/Data Logic. > • The Jury's decision shall be final. > > 3. Registration > > 3.1. Registration Dates > > The 2006 awards shall first be announced in May 2005. > > Registration opens: 5 p.m. Madrid time (GMT+1 hour), 28th October 2005. > Registration deadline: 5 p.m. Madrid time (GMT+1 hour), 16th January >2006. > > 3.2. Registration Form > > - Registrations shall only be accepted through the Form to be made >available > on the ARCO/BEEP Electronic Art Prize website, > - The registration deadline shall be 5 p.m. Madrid time (GMT+1 hour), >16th > January 2006. > > The Registration Form must include the following information: > > - Artwork title > - Information on the gallery and the artist or collective > - Brief description of the artwork (max. 50 words) > - Sales price, including taxes > - URL where further information is available > - No registrations shall be accepted via e-mail, surface mail, or other > means > - Registrations shall be in Spanish or English. No artwork failing to >meet > this requisite shall be considered for the awards. We recommend >submitting > bilingual Spanish/English versions, and participants should double-check >the > translation > > 3.3. Expanded Proposals > > - Participants may expand the information included on their Registration > Forms by putting it on their own website, providing the URL on their > Registration Forms. Recommendations for Internet presentation of this > expanded information are as follows: > - Project Description (max. 500 words), explaining the central concepts >and > technological resources used. > - Images of the artwork. > - Résumé of the artist. In the case of collectives, a group résumé may be > included, or individual résumés for each member. > - In preparing these webpages, please bear in mind that the Jury's time >is > limited. Therefore, maximum clarity and concision in web design are >strongly > advised. > - Those contestants who put up a website for their project shall be > responsible for its design and hosting costs. > > 4. Jury > > - All candidacies shall be examined by an international Jury, including: > > 1. Fernando Castro Flórez, Professor and Art Critic, Madrid (Spain) > 2. Karin Ohlenschläger, Artistic Director, MediaLabMadrid (Spain) > 3. Christiane Paul, Associate Curator for New Media Art, Whitney Museum >of > American Art, New York (USA) > 4. Arnau Puig, Philosopher and Art Critic, Barcelona (Spain) > 5. Jemima Rellie, Head of New Programmes, Tate, London (UK) > 6. Yukiko Shikata, Independent Curator and Critic, Tokyo (Japan) > 7. Mark Tribe, Assistant Professor of Modern Culture and Media, Brown > University, Providence (USA) > - The Jury's Honorary Chairwoman shall be Marie-France Veyrat, >representing > BEEP/Data Logic. > - The Jury's Secretary shall be Vicente Matallana, Director of LaAgencia, > Madrid. > - The Jury shall meet during ARCO'06. > - The Jury's decision shall be final. > > 5. Decision > - The Prize-winners shall be announced at the ARCO International > Contemporary Art Fair, on Saturday 11th February 2006. > - The Jury shall meet on 10th February 2006 at the ARCO-IFEMA offices. > - The winners shall be announced at 1 p.m. on 11th February 2006 at the > central space of theblackbox@arco section. > > 6. Winners > • Winners shall be contacted by the Awards organisers before they are > announced. > • Acceptance of a Prize involves ceding ownership of the Prize-winning > artwork to the company BEEP/Data Logic. > • The company BEEP/Data Logic shall pay the Prize money within 30 days >after > the Jury's decision is announced. > • The Prize shall be given to the winner, or to his or her appointed >legal > representative. > > 7. Information and Questions > > For any additional information, or to ask any questions about the >ARCO/BEEP > Electronic Art Awards, contact: > > Jury's Secretariat > Vicente Matallana / LaAgencia > Tel: (34) 91 366 8821 > E-mail: > > BEEP / Data Logic > Carmen Alcubilla > Tel: (34) 977 30 9100 > E-mail: > > ARCO > Ana Botella Diez del Corral > Tel: (34) 91 722 5350 > E-mail: > > Registration for the ARCO/BEEP Electronic Art Awards implies acceptance >of > the present rules. > > > email to a friend contact subscribe > electronic flux corporation / > 295 greenwich street #532, nyc ny 10007 > > to unsubscribe click / here > > > > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. > >