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each decade has its charms i'd say, but they sometimes take a while to reveal themselves. the 90's in a way took some punk/progressive ideas from the late 70s/early80s and put it through the DJ/hip-hop filter and into electronic music, with results such as the vast expansion of "noise" music, improvisation, and various previously more marginalized "experimental" forms. lou reed's "metal machine music" didn't come into it's own as an influence until the 90s imho. the 80s saw the beginning with groups like einsturzende neubauten, the brit synth/industrialists (psyhic tv, zoviet france), even The Great Domed One (B.Eno), but it took until the 90s to see these trends really develop away from the early 80s and previously dominant pop-song structure... actually it's way too huge a topic, there are so many qualifications and so forth i'd be here all day writing about it! this is just my general sense in other words, not an absolute statement ;) basically i think the 90s will come into their own eventually, as all decades seem to. -jeff On Dec 28, 2005, at 7:34 AM, Luis Angulo wrote: > very true,it seems to me that the 90's as far as > inovation didnt offer as much as the 80's,it was > mostly grunge or retro bands.Reading about world music > rhythms in the 80s i have to mention Peter Gabriel > once again,the melting face and security album are > perfect examples of what Rick is saying,complete > albums made without cymbals!there were others off > course like Phill Collins Paul Simon Steve Winwood > Adam Ant etc. but for me Peter is the man who changed > it all. > cheers > Luis > > --- "loop.pool" <> wrote: > >> Emile wrote: >> "Some of us aging hippies were hoping the decade >> would signal a >> rebound from some unsatisfying (to us, at least) >> musical tendencies >> (disco, fusion, etc,) of the 70's. We were >> disappointed-:)" >> >> >> Respectfully, Emile, I need to agree to disagree >> with you: >> I am an aging hippy and I personally thought that >> the early 80's gave >> us some of the most innovative pop music since the >> late 60's. >> >> For me, the whole DIY ethic of new wave music (from >> the original impetus of >> punk in >> the late 70's) was wonderful , I believe and at >> least in >> my home town, there were far more bands playing all >> original creative music >> in night clubs that did not hire cover bands than >> any time in the next 25 >> years. >> >> Add to that the early 80's revolution in sampling >> that highly effected >> everything from motion picture >> soundtracks to pop group recordings............. >> >> The rise of MIDI which led to composers being able >> to flesh out >> full creative visions without necessarily having to >> rely on bands or >> orchestras to play them >> (which completely changed and made more egalitarian, >> the musical world >> because it changed the >> fact that you either had to be rich or very famous >> to flesh out ideas if >> they were grandiose ---think orchestral). >> >> The 80's also saw the rise of really affordable >> equipment and digital >> processing so that more and more people >> could make music without having to have a lot of >> money. >> >> The next things I say are Amero-centric so I'll >> apologize for that but it is >> all I can speak about because I was nowhere else in >> the world during the >> early 80's: >> >> The fact that Disco was forced to change to stay >> economically viable meant >> that tons of new rhythms and timbres entered >> music. particularly from the Caribbean.........Rap >> and Hip Hop also added >> incredible new rhythmic sophistication to >> popular music........ >> ...........indeed, the whole world fusion (or world >> beat, a term that I >> hate) in popular music occurred in the first few >> years of that decade as >> well...............which meant that (in my country) >> African, Middleeastern, >> Aisian and Caribbean musicians began to >> perform in large numbers all over the western world >> whereas before that >> there was very, very little of this influence in >> popular music, >> statistically speaking. >> >> Suddenly, in popular music (everything from motion >> picture soundtracks to >> commercials to pop groups), there was an incredible >> explosion of new >> rhythms (with world music and rap/hip hop roots) and >> new timbres (sampling). >> In fact, there probably has never been a decade in >> American music history >> where there was such an explosion of rhythm and >> rhythmic variety. >> >> I honestly think of the early 80's with great >> fondness and consider it to be >> one of the more fertile early decades in American >> and >> British popular music. >> >> At least this aging hippy thinks so (hell, I don't >> feel aging in the >> slightest but I am over 50 years old which probably >> seems like >> aging to some of the younger members of our >> community). >> >> > > > > > > > __________________________________________ > Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. > Just $16.99/mo. or less. > > > >