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I'm resending this to see if I can get the "Re:" removed....to maintain 
thread title.


 The following is my strategy, and I'm sure there is more to add to it. You
 could spend the rest of your life communicating your CD releases!

 A. Write a concise, professional looking, and informative memo for your CD
 release.  If you are not a good writer, get someone else to write it for

 B. Write it in electronic format and store it on your computer so that you
 can copy and paste the text into various forums...it save a lot of time 
 establishes consistency

 C. Some forums allow images, in which case I would take advantage of this
 and post a small graphic of the CD cover with your memo.

 D. Post it on as many relevant online information sharing forums that you
 can find.

 E. Here are the forums that I post to for my CD releases. I would be
 interesting in learning of others!

 1. Google Groups / USENET (also accessible via Google Groups

 Alt.Music.Makers.Electronic (USENET) -
 Experimental Electronic Music Makers (Google) -
 Free Improvisation Music (Google) -
 Rec.Music.Ambient (USENET) -
 Rec.Music. Experimental (USENET) -
 Alt.Music.Progressive  (USENET) -

 2. Yahoo Groups

 Northwest Experimental - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nwexperimental/
 Groove Unlimited - http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/Groove_Unlimited/
 Space Music -
 Experimusic - http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/experimusic/
 Odd Music - http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/oddmusic/
 LoopMusic - http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/loopmusic

 Search for other groups here: http://groups.yahoo.com/

 3. Other Music Related Discussion Forums

 Kronosonic - http://kronoson.station185.com/kronosonic/forum/
 UncleDig - http://kronoson.station185.com/kronosonic/forum/
 MP3.com - http://www.mp3.com/forums/forums.html
 Artist Launch - http://www.indieprops.com/bforum/
 Mixposure - http://www.mixposure.com/forum/

 ...and many more, if you use Google to find them.

 E. Examples

 4. http://www.mixposure.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13125 ...and many more, 
if you use Google to find them. Kris ----- Original Message -----> From: 
"loop.pool" <looppool@cruzio.com>> To: "LOOPERS DELIGHT (posting)" 
<Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>> Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 4:42 
PM> Subject: WAYS TO SELL OUR SELVES: ONLINE>>>> I'd like to propose a 
series of threads to collate all of the creativeideas about>> how we can 
sell ourselves, both through online sales,  online promotion,creating 
gigs,  creating new venues, et. al.>> so that we can all use it as a 
resource in the future.>>>> The thread,  CD SALES DECLINING has had some 
really excellentcontributions about this phenomenon>> and noone disputing 
the observation of the trend.    The next obviousquestion is:    Given 
that,  how can we>> maximize our sales (if we are attempting like many of 
us are, to becommercially viable artists) and what creative>> things can 
we do to create a new paradigm for surviving as a fine artistin this 
economic climate.>>>> WAYS TO SELL OURSELVES:   ONLINE>>>>>> I'd propose 
that we NOT discuss philosophy in this thread, but rather,merely list 
resources for the purpose of quick reference in the future>> for looping 
artists.   For the future of quick reference,  please createa subthread if 
you'd like to discuss philosophy (I know, as an example, thata>> lot of 
people don't even believe in selling art at all)>>>> Kris and others have 
mentioned CD Baby,  Itunes, Amazon, et. al.>>>> Specifically, in each 
instance,>> 1) how does one contact these organizations?>> 2) How do they 
work?>> 3) Maybe a little critique, positive or negative about 
people'sindividual experience with the various vendors.>> 4) Any other 
pertinent information one might think of.>>>>>>>