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- To:
- From: Rafko M <>
- Subject: Re: Questions about EHX Looper
- Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 10:44:08 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for the e-mail Kim. This device seems more along the line of loopers like new Boss RC-50. What I was looking for was more of a MIDI looper, which would be a sequencer and a sampler at the same time, most importantly, the one that would allow for "on the fly" style of MIDI drum looping.Thanks a lot for the e-mail.Rale
Kim Flint <> wrote:At 08:44 PM 2/6/2006, John Tidwell wrote:
>Did anyone see a demo of the Electro-Harmonix looper
>at NAMM? I assume it would have some interesting
Yes, I got a good demo. I guess Bill missed it, but if you asked the booth
people they had a demo guy in their sound-proof room with the EH 2880 Super
Multi-Track Looper set up. I meant to post about it sooner, and better do
it quick before I forget the details totally...
Please keep in mind I only saw a demo at NAMM, where it is easy to miss
things. I didn't get to try it myself.
Impressions of the Electro-Harmonix 2880 Super Multi-Track Looper
* 4 track looper. Each track is mono, but there is a way to link 2 together
for stereo. Plus there is a stereo mix down track.
* stereo in and out
* loop recording can be tapped, i.e., tap to start record and tap again to end.
* loop time can also be set quantized to a predetermined tempo, with a
metronome click.
* memory is a compact flash card. the one it ships with gives 4 minutes
loop time.
* There is only one loop. No A/B loops, verse/chorus/bridge, NextLoop, etc.
I asked how one might deal with having a verse loop and a chorus loop, and
he suggested quickly pulling out the CF card and putting in another! Not
much point in a large amount of loop time if all you can do is make a big
long loop. If you put in a bigger CF card you just get a longer single loop.
* The card saves the loop on power down. however, again there is only one
loop on the card. You can't have more than one loop saved and recall them
separately. Each loop would need its own card.
* There is a slider for each track to control volume for the mix.
* The same slider controls feedback. Feedback is controlled during overdub
only. Since the same slider is used for mixing levels and feedback, it is a
little weird if you go in and out of overdub. The slider position sets
volume in one state and feedback in the other.
* there is a stereo pan control for each track, to place it in the stereo
* There is a mix down function, so you can bounce your tracks to the stereo
mix-down track and free them up again for more loops.
* it has midi sync in and out
* USB port, presumably for uploading and downloading files to a computer.
This was only pointed out, not demonstrated.
* There is a tempo slider. This sets the click tempo prior to recording
loops. If a loop is playing, the tempo changes. As I recall, the tempo
change is like tape speed change, so the pitch changes as well.
* There is a reverse function. As I recall it, all the tracks reverse
together, but I might be wrong.
* there is a octave button, which is half-speed as I recall
* there is a punch-in button, although I don't remember if this was their
name for overdub or if it was a replace function. I don't remember any demo
of a replace function, so this may be the overdub.
* There is a track-select button that scrolls through the tracks to select
the one you are controlling.
* there is a proprietary external footswitch. It does not have any extra
functions, just offers 6 footswitches for some of the functions using
finger buttons on the box.
* I realize I didn't ask if it can go direct from record to overdub, sorry
I don't know. I don't recall him demonstrating it however.
* list price is $698
Kim Flint | Looper's Delight |
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