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thank you Rick for sharing this! cheers Luis --- "loop.pool" <> wrote: > This is an old speech but I reread it tonight and it > just made my blood boil. > > It's really long and I warn you, quite depressing, > but I think it's the > truth > no matter what you think of it's author. > > new paradigm, time! > > ********************************************* > > This is an unedited transcript of a <sic> speech to > the Digital > Hollywood online entertainment conference, given in > New York on May 16. > > > "Today I want to talk about piracy and music. What > is piracy? Piracy is the > act of stealing an artist's work without any > intention of paying for it. I'm > not talking about Napster-type software. I'm talking > about major label > recording contracts. > I want to start with a story about rock bands and > record companies, and do > some recording-contract math: > > This story is about a bidding-war band that gets a > huge deal with a 20 > percent royalty rate and a million-dollar advance. > (No bidding-war band ever > got a 20 percent royalty, but whatever.) This is my > "funny" math based on > some reality and I just want to qualify it by saying > I'm positive it's > better math than what Edgar Bronfman Jr. [the > president and CEO of Seagram, > which owns Polygram] would provide. > What happens to that million dollars? > They spend half a million to record their album. > That leaves the band with > $500,000. They pay $100,000 to their manager for 20 > percent commission. They > pay $25,000 each to their lawyer and business > manager. > That leaves $350,000 for the four band members to > split. After $170,000 in > taxes, there's $180,000 left. That comes out to > $45,000 per person. > That's $45,000 to live on for a year until the > record gets released. > The record is a big hit and sells a million copies. > (How a bidding-war band > sells a million copies of its debut record is > another rant entirely, but > it's based on any basic civics-class knowledge that > any of us have about > cartels. Put simply, the antitrust laws in this > country are basically a > joke, protecting us just enough to not have to > re-name our park service the > Phillip Morris National Park Service.) > So, this band releases two singles and makes two > videos. The two videos cost > a million dollars to make and 50 percent of the > video production costs are > recouped out of the band's royalties. > The band gets $200,000 in tour support, which is 100 > percent recoupable. > The record company spends $300,000 on independent > radio promotion. You have > to pay independent promotion to get your song on the > radio; independent > promotion is a system where the record companies use > middlemen so they can > pretend not to know that radio stations -- the > unified broadcast system -- > are getting paid to play their records. > All of those independent promotion costs are charged > to the band. > Since the original million-dollar advance is also > recoupable, the band owes > $2 million to the record company. > If all of the million records are sold at full price > with no discounts or > record clubs, the band earns $2 million in > royalties, since their 20 percent > royalty works out to $2 a record. > Two million dollars in royalties minus $2 million in > recoupable expenses > equals ... zero! > How much does the record company make? > They grossed $11 million. > It costs $500,000 to manufacture the CDs and they > advanced the band $1 > million. Plus there were $1 million in video costs, > $300,000 in radio > promotion and $200,000 in tour support. > The company also paid $750,000 in music publishing > royalties. > They spent $2.2 million on marketing. That's mostly > retail advertising, but > marketing also pays for those huge posters of > Marilyn Manson in Times Square > and the street scouts who drive around in vans > handing out black Korn > T-shirts and backwards baseball caps. Not to mention > trips to Scores and > cash for tips for all and sundry. > Add it up and the record company has spent about > $4.4 million. > So their profit is $6.6 million; the band may as > well be working at a > 7-Eleven. > > Of course, they had fun. Hearing yourself on the > radio, selling records, > getting new fans and being on TV is great, but now > the band doesn't have > enough money to pay the rent and nobody has any > credit. > Worst of all, after all this, the band owns none of > its work ... they can > pay the mortgage forever but they'll never own the > house. Like I said: > Sharecropping. > Our media says, "Boo hoo, poor pop stars, they had a > nice ride. Fuck them > for speaking up"; but I say this dialogue is > imperative. And cynical media > people, who are more fascinated with celebrity than > most celebrities, need > to reacquaint themselves with their value systems. > When you look at the legal line on a CD, it says > copyright 1976 Atlantic > Records or copyright 1996 RCA Records. When you look > at a book, though, > it'll say something like copyright 1999 Susan > Faludi, or David Foster > Wallace. Authors own their books and license them to > publishers. When the > contract runs out, writers gets their books back. > But record companies own > our copyrights forever. > The system's set up so almost nobody gets paid. > > * The RIAA * > > Last November, a Congressional aide named Mitch > Glazier, with the support of > the RIAA, added a "technical amendment" to a bill > that defined recorded > music as "works for hire" under the 1978 Copyright > Act. > He did this after all the hearings on the bill were > over. By the time > artists found out about the change, it was too late. > The bill was on its way > to the White House for the president's signature. > That subtle change in copyright law will add > billions of dollars to record > company bank accounts over the next few years -- > billions of dollars that > rightfully should have been paid to artists. A "work > for hire" is now owned > in perpetuity by the record company. > Under the 1978 Copyright Act, artists could reclaim > the copyrights on their > work after 35 years. If you wrote and recorded > "Everybody Hurts," you at > least got it back to as a family legacy after 35 > years. But now, because of > this corrupt little pisher, "Everybody Hurts" never > gets returned to your > family, and can now be sold to the highest bidder. > Over the years record companies have tried to put > "work for hire" provisions > in their contracts, and Mr. Glazier claims that the > "work for hire" only > "codified" a standard industry practice. But > copyright laws didn't identify > sound recordings as being eligible to be called > "works for hire," so those > contracts didn't mean anything. Until now. > Writing and recording "Hey Jude" is now the same > thing as writing an English > textbook, writing standardized tests, translating a > novel from one language > to another or making a map. These are the types of > things addressed in the > "work for hire" act. And writing a standardized test > is a work for hire. Not > making a record. > So an assistant substantially altered a major law > when he only had the > authority to make spelling corrections. That's not > what I learned about how > government works in my high school civics class. > Three months later, the RIAA hired Mr. Glazier to > become === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around