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Hello ryan, I have only worked with a lexicon jamman aswell as an electrix repeater. Both units are out of sale, the repeater stores up to 24 minutes of loops on a special 128 mb compact flash card whereas the jamman doesn't store anything. As long as you can count the jamman is the better device for live looping in my experience, it works much faster than the repeater, though uit has a severe shortage on ram/looping time: with maximum ram you got only 32 seconds of loop time to be split into up to 8 loops. I hop ethat helps. I am using the jamman still, although out of production since like 12 years. It is a very fast and well sounding (though 12 bit) tool. The repeater, especially on higher PA volume settings shows a harsher sound, bad converters I guess, although it samples in 16bit and offers all kinds of stuff like pitch changing and timestretching. I guess you'd get th emost advice from the "tools of the trade" section on then Hope that helps jrp --- best greets from berlin! Jayrope Next live: - 11.5. Globusbar/Zentrale Randlage, Berlin random love songs: all the trash: ... my answer might (not) be on time due to (persistent) rare presence of a(n) (im)permanent internet connection(breakup).