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Re: Max/Msp as a compositional tool....

wow...that is out of this world...beam me up!

--- Miko Biffle <biffoz@arczip.com> wrote:

> This posting from ba newmuse, posted by Bob Boster,
> describes the group,
> TrioMetrik's use of max/msp programming to guide
> their compositions, and
> seems like a great illustration of just how deeply
> one can get in the
> program. The posting is a call for works, if
> anyone's interested, but goes
> on to outline TrioMetrik's methodology in their bio
> below. -miko
> >The BEAM Foundation is commisioning 2-4 new works
> for TrioMetrik.
> >Composers should submit a CV and work examples by
> June 15, 2006. Scope of
> >the piece and fee structure will be tailored to
> each applicant based upon
> >experience and proclivities. Selections will be
> announced July 7. Pieces
> >due end of August.
> >
> >Compatibility with TrioMetrik's tools and esthetics
> is a must. To this end
> >two Colloquia are scheduled to familiarize
> composers with these
> requirements:
> >
> >May 23rd 7 PM at BEAM Studios in Berkeley. (mail
> for directions)
> >May 24th 5 PM at CCRMA - Stanford Campus
> >
> >Examples of previous musical works from a recent
> performance and
> >descriptions of the techolgies employed are
> available at
> . Abstract of talk
> >follows:
> >
> >MACIAS -a new software application that
> intelligently couples advanced
> >instruments.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
> >"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
> >
> >Based on the concept of enhanced instruments
> coupled through an
> >intelligent network, MACIAS is the sophisticated
> integration of live
> >instruments that are extended beyond their original
> function with an
> >advanced music program and interface system. MACIAS
> is a specialized
> >network that receives, interprets, and operates on
> the sounds, notes,
> >gestures, and intentions of the musicians.  The
> result is an interactive
> >musical esthetic for the 21st century (named
> "NuRoque") that encourages
> >complex structures and sonic adventure. NuRoque
> takes its inspiration from
> >the Baroque (Fr. for bizarre) revolution that new
> instruments and
> >esthetics caused in Europe in the 1600s. 
> TrioMetrik (Ashley Adams,
> >Marielle Jakobsons, and Keith McMillen) is the live
> performing group using
> >these technologies. Paul Dresher has called
> TrioMetrik "the modern
> >composer's dream come true."   Samples can be heard
> at
> ><http://www.triometrik.org/>www.triometrik.org .
> >
> >Keith McMillen describes MACIAS as a system in
> which "knowledge and
> >control is distributed among the musicians and
> guided by the
> >composition.  Direction to the performers is
> conveyed through an array of
> >graphic windows on a display that replaces the
> traditional score and music
> >stand. The musician's gestures, the score, audio
> processing, and other
> >structures are permitted to interact with each
> other in ways that lead to
> >modifications in performance.  The result is a
> system designed to augment
> >and control the compositional structure beyond
> notes and transitions.
> >While these concepts have been explored
> individually, MACIAS represents
> >the first time a refined and integrated approach
> has been evenly and fully
> >applied across all of the components that comprise
> a musical entity." It
> >has taken the last 25 years for Keith to build the
> enhanced instruments
> >and refine MACIAS.
> >
> >The instruments and external devices are tied to a
> computer running the
> >program, a tuned assembly of over 200 individual
> screens and patches
> >written in Max/MSP. When instantiated, MACIAS
> occupies more than 125MB of
> >program memory not including audio buffers or data.
> All the components of
> >a piece are contained within a score that sets and
> continuously updates
> >thousands of parameters during performance. MACIAS
> executes the score and
> >defines the timbres, harmonic and rhythmic
> structures, interaction trees,
> >video selection and manipulation, etc. It
> determines the capture of audio
> >and musicians' gestures and prompts the musicians
> to play at the correct
> >times and either suggests politely a motif or
> demands and enforces a
> >rhythmic harmonicity and a specific timbre.
> >
> >Composer Jay Cloidt, who has written for
> TrioMetrik, has remarked that the
> >MACIAS system is "a tremendously flexible
> composer's and performer's
> >toolkit. Orson Welles once said, that a movie
> studio was '.the biggest
> >electric train set a boy ever had.' I think MACIAS 
> just may be the modern
> >composer's electric train set."
> >
> >Description and live demonstrations will illustrate
> the system's
> >capabilities and lay a basic understanding of how
> one composes in this
> >style. The BEAM Foundation (the non-profit
> organization behind TrioMetrik,
> >MACIAS and NuRoque
> >) is actively commissioning pieces for the Trio.
> These sessions will be an
> >excellent introduction for interested composers.
> >
> >
> >Keith McMillen
> >Executive Director
> >BEAM Foundation
> >www.beamfoundation.org
> >510.502.5310
> _______________________________________________
> Bay Area New Music Discussion Group
> NewMusic@music.mills.edu
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