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My Poll thread got me thinking about my own set-up
and what I am still missing...
Its a midi looper. Curently I have some analogue
sequencers that power my modular (yes Im a guitarist) and a guitar synth GR30
that has a pretty nifty arpeg, that I send midi from to a Korg MS2000 and an old
Akai sampler too...
So whats this new divice gotta be???
Its gotta be called the Midiplex Digital
Its a small 1 U and cheap beast... I want it
to have EXACTLY THE SAME WAY OF WORKING as an EDP except instead of recording
audio it should record and loop and overdub... midi notes... I want the
same insert caperbilities (altho I can see some problems here) and it should
have some quantise caperbilities, to FORCE your playing onto a "grid" of your
choosing, 16th, 32nds/ or 256ths if you are tight...
Anything like that about? Or anyone wanna make
one??? Grob? Flint? Beuler anyone...?
mark francombe
marks website is at he writes for and works at |