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Re: OT: Recycling old CDs (was: Re: All My CDs Marked down to $5.00)

Don't put CDs out in the weather. I tried to use them to scare away deer from our blueberries. Looked cool and twinkled in the sun! But they biodegrade in the sun/rain and shed all kinds of gnarly sliver flakes of modern chemistry everywhere. In a window is probably okay, though.

richard sales
glassWing farm and studio
vancouver island, b.c.

On 6-Aug-06, at 5:01 AM, Per Boysen wrote:

On 6 aug 2006, at 11.48, Stefan Tiedje wrote:

But I've thrown away also a lot, but mostly those add-on CD-ROM's from Magazines...

I save all CDs that are shiny on both sides for the purpose of building sculptures out of them. If you hang such a thing in a window it will send the sun into the flat as hundreds of randomly moving reflections.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)
http://tinyurl.com/fauvm (podcast)