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Video Looping video art etc....

My turn,  to address Ricks original question... nope it dont matter what DV camera you get... I have a 40,000 krone (hmm what that in dollars...  about 6257 i guess??) Sony HD DV and a Panasonic domestic that I bought at an airport 10 years ago... both are fine, in fact the crap one rocks, especially at (an this is where I move back to where this thread has got to) video feedback... the dirtyier the camer the better! The camera chip needs some noise to pick up on and loop back on itself.
Yes Jitter(Max/MSP).  is the toy you need for video looping of course a regular "overdub" as Kris was thinking about, doesnt really work, or rather it gets full messy quickly you have to feedback into the live video with some kind of mix or "blend mode" Add subtrack multiply... .
I have made a bunch of Jitter tools for looping video, One is thing I called the video sequencer, and I've made anout 40 of them with different flavours...Heres the peach Melba flavour... this one will loop a video file you select, and at a pinch live video. Then.. it accepts a midi clock in, and does some stretching effects at the speed of the midi clock... The magic is that there is FOUR of these at different divisions of the midi clock... confused... yeah well I was too so I stopped doinf it an I became alot better thank you Doctor... . anyone with Max wanna take a look... here it is... http://markfrancombe.com/public_html/TEMP/vidcomplete2.mxb and YES you need Max/Masp WITH Jitter to see it (altho ALL are available as a free download , that last 30 days or so, till it runs out... I dont even have a copy anymore and I cant find a c***k. (AND I forgot to add a quicktime record module to most of them so If I open them in the runtime non-editable version of Max can only play with them, not actually PRODUCE anything... anyone wanna fix this for me???
Video Looping was first done in the 60's, I would guess about 5 minutes after video was invented, Nam June Paik in one of his many escapades took over a TV studio and directed things, one cited thing is long streams of tape winding around the studio and into other video machines (yes video was on reel to reel then) But to say he was an early protagonist of Synesthetic visual art is wrong. Anally speaking Louis Castell designed what became know as a Light Organ in 1720! You may read my student essay on the subject here... http://www.markfrancombe.com/text/synethesia.htm
Video Synths were indeed a big thing in the 70's check out http://www.audiovisualizers.com/toolshak/vsynths.htm But the best stuff I have ever seen is the work of Steven Jones from the LOOPING  (hurrah... made it!) group Severed Heads.. Now if none of you have heard them... try to... I only have Vinyl but they did some graet stuff on 8 track tapeloops.
hmm  now wheres my Amiga...?
mark francombe
marks website is at
www.markfrancombe.com he writes for www.furthernoise.org and works at www.transformlearning.com

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