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Inspired by Bill Walker's incredible Looperlative track and Claude Voit's use of the Plain Hunt sequence, I created a couple scripts in Mobius to make rhythmic patterns. These don't do exactly the same things (still thinking about how to dynamically shuffle the loop), but they do create some rhythmic texture. One switches the pan position according to a 5-point Plain Hunt Sequence once every subcycle, and one does the same for the output volume. The speed be changed dynamically by adjusting the 8thsPerCycle parameter, so I also wrote a couple scripts that let me cycle through commonly used 8thsPerCycle values according to time-signature (multiples of 3, 4, 5, and 7). At the link at the end of this e-mail is a recording of me playing with these scripts on a single Mobius track. You can hear me changing 8thsPerCycle value and using the two rhythmic scripts in conjunction in this loop. I'm not sure I like the one that affects output volume in this loop anyway... seems a little too drastic. But I thought I'd leave it in anyway. Anyway, I just wanted to drop a quick thanks to Bill and Claude and share this tribute with all of you! --Josh