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RE: Y2K6 participation

A few things I needed to ask you regarding the Festival (not found on the
web site)
1. which of the events will need our collective P.A gear?
2. Between us, we have two complete rigs, with a single monitor each.
If you count your big mackies as one rig, My big mackies as one rig, and my
small mackies as monitors. i personally don't like the no monitors approach
we used the last time we played at Michaels Studio a few months back. I 
disconnected from the music because I didn't have a monitor, and I think we
should make a point of having at least 1 monitor per stage and maybe two if
we can scrounge up a couple more powered monitors. Do you have any ideas
about that?
3. Lastly have you given much thought to transportation to the remote gigs,
and how you will be needing me and my truck. I'd like to be free from 
thursday night, Though If you needed to borrow my truck gor gear I think 
be OK about that. its just that, though I'm not teaching that week, there 
no way I can get out of my work shifts, and if I play Wednesday night and
Friday night, and I drive up to SF thursday night, I'm thinking I might be
pretty overwhelmed, seeing as I'm going to have to get up bright and early
Saturday Morning to get the PA equipment set up at Micheals. It would be
much more ideal to get the PA stuff up friday afternoon, but that would be
contingent on whether or not we would need to haul the stuff up to Oakland,
Friday Night. Last year as you recall, I spent most of Friday afternoon and
evening prepping michaels studio for the festival, pretty much  by myself.
I'm wondering if you have thought about when that chore might happen and if
it would fall on me again, or if I'll be able to get assistance. The Devil
is, as they say, in the details,and as overwhelmed as you are, i just want
you to know that I'm willing to help, but I'd like as much clarity as you
can give me on what you will need of me.
Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it, thanks for all the hard work