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Re: further questions about midi sync.

I never owned a Machinedrum but I was a MONOMACHINE
owner and there is way to get into the settings and
tell it what midi channels to listen to for what
tracks.  I think you can also tell tracks to transmit
or not.  (Sorry, a while ago I ditched hardware and
I'm now all software for sequences Yay Micro Tonic!)

I think the key to doing what you want is making sure
your devices are set up to listen to the channels you
want them to (or none and they'll still hear sync if
they're set up as a slave) and ingore the channels you
don't want them to.  Takes a bit of set up but once
you figure it out you should be able to get what you

As far as switching sync sources, I've always found it
too problematic and I mostly just use my sequencer as
clock source.  If you want to start without the
sequence use a mixer to monitor your sequence in
headphones while you record and then bring in the
sequence track when ever you see fit.  Either that or
I'd start with a synth sound that had a rhythmic
element or guitar with a synced effect and that can
act like a metronome.

--- Ben <benoitruelle@yahoo.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> It should be possible on the modular to de-activate
> the KBD tracking.
> Isn't there a KBD button on each OSC that do just
> that?
> To bring this On Topic again.
> Is anyone using the G2 as his looping device? It
> includes a delay that can 
> be placed anywhere in the the signal chain, allowing
> the loops to be 
> modulated, filtered,.., mangled in a lot of ways.
> Unfortunately the G2 is out of my price range, still
> hoping Clavia will 
> release a microG2 one day ;-)
> Ben.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "margaret noble" <margaretnoble2000@yahoo.com>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 4:28 AM
> Subject: further questions about midi sync.
> > hello all,
> >
> > i posted recently about midi sync. initially i
> wanted
> > to have my echoplex drive my machine drum and then
> my
> > machine drum to trigger my nord modular sequences.
> >
> > well, some of this did work and it has been fun,
> but i
> > have issues with the nord. when i trigger its
> > sequencer from machinedrum, i only want their
> clocks
> > in sync. but, the nord plays all the notes that
> are
> > cued from steps on my machine drum as well and
> doesn't
> > seem to follow the clock very well.
> >
> > also, i was thinking that maybe i wouldn't  always
> > want the echoplex to be the master clock.
> >
> > i was looking at the midisync devices out there by
> > motu but i am not sure if they more than i need. i
> > basically want every gadget to be on the same
> clock
> > but do not necessarily want the notes  from
> multiple
> > synths to play in tandem via midi sync.
> >
> > any and all help is greatly appreciated!
> >
> > margaret
> >
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