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Re: Help needed w/echoplex ARRAY

At 02:10 AM 1/5/2007, Bob Weigel wrote:
>I need to get this setup finished for a client who wants to run 8 
>echoplexes with 4 stereo sync'd channels basically.
>I think what is happening is..we're going to need some midi filtering 
>unless there is some way I'm missing to internally filter the start 
>recording messages :-).  Because right now, when one starts, they all 
>start or some such thing.

Put each pair on a different midi channel. Connect the two units in each 
pair together with BrotherSync.

Connect the midi from Out to In of each Echoplex. Don't use the midi thru, 
the intelligent MIDIpipe feature in the Echoplex prevents unnecessary 
commands from getting piled up. Thru isn't really needed.

MIDI clock is global so they will still all get clock from the master 
the MIDIpipe feature of the Echoplex will filter out extra StartSong 
messages and such. Note that using MIDI sync forces you to have one pair 
always be the master, so you start loops there and the downstream units 
will get the sync.

We designed the Echoplex to support this sort of use, it should work ok.

There are other ways to sync as well. For example all the units could be 
connected with BrotherSync, which allows any of them to set the tempo for 
the others. This is especially nice for group or band situations.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com