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Re: boss GE-7 eq question...

Sounds broken to me.


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Subject:        boss GE-7 eq question...
Author: legion@helpwantedproductions.com
Date:            Sun,  7 Jan 2007 19:56:14 +0000

anyone familiar with this puppy? I just picked one up and it seems that 
three of the more mid-rage sliders have no effect eithr cutting or 
boosting the sound.

 figured some of the levels would be more subtle than others but the low 
and high end and two in the middle really scoop the sound a lot for I 
figure I should be able to hear *some* differnce no?

I am using a fresh battery and tried it on two guitars and two synths at 
various pitches. The unit looks brand new so I cant imagine what could be 
wrong with it but it seems a little weird and there is no differnece when 

Anyone ever run into this? Any/all help appreciated


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