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Re: portable hand field recorders

Which one of these can accept an electret stereo mic?
It seems the Zoom comes with that kind of mics, but I was trying to
continue using my core audio ones....

Does anybody has any esperience with the Edirol ?
I read in a web-shop that this one has the related input.


2007/4/23, Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net>:
> Travis has offered a decent analysis here, so I'll only add my two cents 
> recommend the M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96.
> http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MicroTrack2496-main.html
> I've been using it for over a year now with astounding results. In fact,
> I've used it for many of my recent CD tracks.  The cool thing is that it
> records to MP3 and wav, and at different sample and bit rates. Plus the 
> inch inputs are balanced...and it has phantom power. You can get a 
> XLR to 1/4 inch adpator to go directly out of a mixer board's XLR 
>outputs. I
> bought a 2GB flashcard for mine, so I can load it up with 4 hours of wav
> recordings. I really can't say anything bad about this unit, given the 
> and features, and size.
> Kris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Travis Hartnett" <travishartnett@gmail.com>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:07 AM
> Subject: Re: portable hand field recorders
> > Just recently I was discussing this with a friend of mine.  He uses
> > the Zoom, and here's what he had to say about it:
> >
> > "i got one of those zoom H4 recorders that looks like a tazer. its
> > pretty useful. but not for incapacitating attackers.
> >
> > i really like it. its replaced my minidisc. i bought it cause [a
> > mutual friend] got one and he's really picky about gear and does a ton
> > of research. for the price, which is less than the roland or m-audio
> > units, it can't be beat.
> >
> > it has the usual zoom drawbacks: its not very sturdy and sort of
> > poorly designed in general, the menu navigation is really bad. i can't
> > imagine using it as a 4-track, which it does with various amp modeling
> > and stuff. but for regular stereo recording, it seems fine; just push
> > the record button once to put it in standby and check levels, then
> > push it again to start.
> >
> > if you aren't in a rush, i'd wait for the H2 to come out this summer.
> > it does away with the 4 track mode and records in surround sound and
> > its $100 less.
> > 
> >
> > [in answer to a question regarding how easily levels can be set when
> > recording]
> > the zoom has  dedicated L/M/H switches on the side (for both the built
> > in mics and the inputs, which are combo XLR 1/4 inch) those levels are
> > user adjustable, which involes wading thru the menus. but once you
> > have them set, you can just use the switch to select between the 3
> > settings.
> >
> > also it has a built in limiter that i think does a "look ahead" thing.
> > that function can be turned on or off as you choose. kirk thought this
> > was one of the real selling points for the zoom, i guess the roland
> > and m-audio don't do this. there's also a built in compressor.
> >
> > both the M-audio and roland are just under $400, the zoom is under
> > $300, i think you can find it for as low as $279, but it's typically
> > $299.
> > the m-audio has no built in mic, but i think it comes with a plug in
> > thing. the roland mics point out to the sides, while the zoom mics are
> > in an x-y sort of configuration which i think gives a better stereo
> > image. and its the only one with XLR inputs which can be phantom
> > powered.
> >
> > on top of all that, when you hook it up to your computer, it will work
> > as a bus-powered audio interface, and it comes with a copy of cubase.
> >
> > things about it that stink:
> > clunky design- looks like a tazer, might get you shot.
> > does not feel especially sturdy.
> > battery/SD card cover opens in an awkward way. and the SD card is
> > really hard to get out unless you have fingernails.
> > menu navigation is awful. really, really bad.
> > the display is tiny
> > the unit seems much larger than it should be. it won't fit in your
> > pocket (comfortably). the roland and m-audio are much smaller.
> > it has no clock, so the files don't have a useful date on them.
> >
> > hopefully some of this stuff will be fixed on the H2. i know it looks
> > to be smaller and does have a time stamp function. i also know it
> > won't do multi-track recording, but that's probably not a big deal."
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> > TravisH
> >
> >
> > On 4/23/07, L.A. Angulo <labaloops@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> i need something really portable and easy to operat
> >> like the old portable tape recorders(too bad i got rid
> >> of my old one) that fits in my hand but digital with
> >> mic and 1/4" inputs usb options and all the new
> >> goodies with a good sound without the need of
> >> connecting x-tra micros or xpensive xtra battery
> >> charge device to record sounds, rehearsals,speeches
> >> etc.
> >>
> >
> >

The Playing Orchestra: http://www.telefonica.net/web2/tpo
Chain Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.com
TPO at myspace: http://www.myspace.com/theplayingorchestra