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fave intermissions

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Recordings of concert intermissions
"Favorite Intermissions: Music Before and Between Beethoven, Stravisnky, 
Holst" is a collection of the ambient intermission sounds--murmurs, 
tuning, musical warm-ups--before and after orchestral performances. John 
Cage would be proud. The compiler, sound artist Christopher DeLaurenti, 
bootlegged the recordings while attending concerts for seven years. This 
his greatest hits from more than 50 recorded hours, presented in 3D 
audio. John Cage would be proud. From the New York Times, where you can 
hear selections from the CD:

    Images Inter “Every composer, every sound artist, every musician, 
a fundamental question to everyone else,” Mr. DeLaurenti said in an 
interview. “It’s a request to listen. I have faith that in any sound or 
collection of sounds, music lies therein.

    “It does sound crazy,” he continued. “Craziness is the root of many 
great musical ideas and the source for new ways of listening and 
the world around us..."

    Virtually all concert halls ban photography or recording, and 
with musicians’ unions strictly govern what can be preserved, so Mr. 
DeLaurenti had to go under cover. He said he was never caught but 
occasionally drew suspicious looks from ushers.

    He honed a technique of often shifting his posture and moving around. 
“Most people are not observant and rarely look at one thing for longer 
10 seconds,” he said. He also showed unfailing courtesy when questioned. 
“People don’t want trouble,” he explained.

Link to New York Times, Link to purchase the disc(Thanks, Vann Hall!)

posted by David Pescovitz on May 31, 2007, 09:14 PM permalink | blogs' 

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