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>>So, supposing I wanted to move my looping to the computer. As a practical question (and assuming I am starting from nothing), and trying to keep costs down, what do I need? <<lighter fluid & a baseball bat, I would surmise from recent posts..... :-)I enjoyed that laptop multi-thread, especially the way it brought out the proprietorial nature of some of us hendrix worshippers:"you don't know hendrix like I know hendrix!".e.g:- you know "good & well" that he would've probably turned roger mayer into a code-writer, would probably have had the first total-recall desk in NYC & have been running a website by 1989 if he'd survived, & that he /still/ wouldn't have stood or sat (fripp-like) behind a laptop on stage.perhaps, like the edge, he would eventually have hidden half his art beneath the stage & made it look like voodoo. we shall never know.d.