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Claude wrote “naaa
come on!! The Leavitt book is great
for committed adults, eventually, but not for kiddies please, there should
exist less boring presented material!!!! And btw the Leavitt books
are false beginner’s book.” I agree Claude, I went to Berklee
and had to use the Leavitt books, and though chock full of valuable information,
The material was really dry, and not particularly inspiring to study, and most definitely
not beginner books. I received way more education at Berklee from playing
through fake books and jamming with friends. As I mentioned privately to
Michael, either the Progressive series of beginner books, or the National Guitar
Workshop series are very good for young beginners. Also I’ve seen a book
that is just transcriptions of classic rock riffs. Not whole songs, just riffs.
I’ve found that with young students, nothing gets them more fired up than
learning a classic riff from a classic song. I have a nine year old student who
I taught the first day to play his favorite song, Smoke on the Water. He
actually only learned the first riff, but since them I’ve taught him the
rest of the tune. You should have seen this little guys face when he figured it
out. Small identifiable exerts of classic songs are a great way to get a
younger inspired to play even if they are not ready to learn the whole tune. Bill |