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Sure will .... I actually just sent a rather overly detailed list to Rainer too .... so let me resurrect that ... I'll edit it down a bit for yah. Second thought ..... No I won't ..... better idea is to let it stand, since others may have useful input on the flyloops/mobius comparison. By the way ... already got that degree ... and yes, it was mad fun .... one needs some relief from the dry engineering classes ... and philosophy is just the right stuff. So here is that email ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I am certainly no mobius expert .. so perhaps you can help me through this. Lets do this one item at a time: INTERFACE / INTERACTION : I know mobius can handle multiple loops in parallel, as can flyloops ... and I think the approaches we use are somewhat similar ... Screenshots: Flyloops - Mobius - It looks like you can control various aspects of multiple loops at the same time from either program .... by this I mean hit a couple pedals and tell the program to turn certain loops on/off on the next repeat ... stack on a certain loop (but not the others) .... then maybe tweek a knob on a midi controller and change the volume or pan of one of your loops. INITIAL LOOP: Both flyloops and mobius (I think) get their timing from an intial recorded loop ... the "master". All others are synced to that, or not ... which brings us to ..... SYNCING: I am not sure what polyrythmic is on the looping comparison chart .. but I bet we have the same idea here. All loops in flyloops can be recorded as: - full sync - meaning start/stop recording only at the masters loop boundary .. so all loops start/stop with the master, and are a multiple of the master loops length - partial sync - start recording whenever I tap in, but when I tap out .. wait until the loop is some multiple of the masters length ... so all loops are a multiple of the length ... but will start/stop only at a particular offset to the master. - No sync - just start and stop when I tap ... so the loop can be any length, and will not sync to the master. I imagine it is the same in mobius .... ? MASTER: switch which loop is master .. I am sure that mobius does this. MIDI CONTROL: I think they are comparable with this ... both programs have a wide variety of functions that can be mapped to midi commands. TEMPO/PITCH SHIFT: I haven't programmed this yet... so currently there is no tempo or pitch shifting (there use to be, when I used DirectX .. you'll notice in one of the videos) ... but ASIO has no inherent support for this ... but this is top of the list of things to get done. TAP TEMPO: Mobius does this ... Flyloops will, once pitch/tempo shift is complete. VST: Mobius blows me out of the water here ... flyloops cannot run as a VST (yet). GROUP LOOPING: Can mobius specify which audio stream to record by device .. such as, when receiving a certain command ... I record only the left audio source (which happens to be, say, the drums) ... I sync it according to the sync setting ADD/ MULTIPLY/ OVERWRITE: same, I think STACK: Flyloops lets you stack on loops individually ... with whatever decay you wish ... I imagine mobius is the same. CONSOLIDATE: consolidate loops ... select three and make them one. I don’t know if mobius does this .... ? GROUPING: Specify that loops 1,2 and 4 are in group I .... loop 5 is in group II, and 3 isnt in a group .... then change the volume for group I ... or the pan on group II ..... or stutter the loops in group I .... I imagine mobius can do this ... ? EXTERNAL SYNCING: flyloops doesn't do this ... though once it is rewire compatible it should by able to sync to internal sources. And .... you could set up an external source to trigger the rec button ... so sync that way .... but you could NOT track to an external drum machine as you changed tempo for example. SAVING: Flyloops can save in two way .... first, export the loops as wav files. Also .. there is a record session button which records the performance ... it records to two files ... one which is live input (The solos being played) the other is flyloops output .. the loops (after volume, etc. adjustments). I don’t know if mobius does this second one ... but it's a easy thing to add if it doesn't. Woooosh ..... long email ... I gotta get some food. Did I miss anything? Write back with questions if yah got em'. Cheers Aaron Internal Virus Database is out-of-date. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.487 / Virus Database: 0.0.0/0 - Release Date: <unknown> 12:00 AM