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RE: Recent Listening...(not easily pigeonholed)

At 1:05 PM +0000 1/9/08, Goddard, Duncan wrote:
>btw (mech, anyone), are telefon tel aviv anything to do with tuxedomoon?

Heh!  I'm guessing that you caught that they were next to Blaine 
Reininger's "Night Air" on my list?  :)

Unfortunately, Telefon Tel Aviv have nothing to do with Tuxedomoon 
(that I'm aware of, at least).  Telefon Tel Aviv is a duo 
specializing mostly in lush, glitchy music  -- much in the same vein 
as the BT releases that kinda started this thread.  Like BT, they get 
a lot of 'bread and butter' work submitting remixes of other artists 

They have a couple albums of their own over on Chicago's Hefty 
Records label.  Both "Fahrenheit Fair Enough" and "Map of What is 
Effortless" are well worth giving a listen.  The Remix disc I've been 
listening to gathers a lot of that remix work that they've done for 
acts like Nine Inch Nails and Bebel Gilberto.  As with most good 
remixes, the new versions more resemble the remixer than the original 

BTW if you're interested in Tuxedomoon, that track I was asking about 
a couple of days ago was actually for a compilation of Tuxedomoon 
covers put together by the members of the fan list at Yahoogroups.  I 
was surprised to find there's actually quite a lot of good quality 
material that came out of the submissions for it.  You can get more 
info (plus some sound snippets) at: http://www.tuxedomooning.com

"the wind in my heart; the dust in my head...."