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I just spent some time thinking about reverse delays, which several boxes do offer (among them, to take a few devices used often among loopers, the Line6 DL4, the TC Electronics D2, the Boss DD20 and the EH SMM w/ Hazari). So here's my take (without listening to these devices) what is possible how to implement that effect - and I'd like your ideas what are the preferred implementations, and wheter there are other ways to reach this. In a normal delay, it's rather simple: taking feedback aside for one moment, and assuming an ideal delay (i.e. what goes in does come out sometime later), it's like a conveyor belt. You put the things (your playing) on one side, and after a finite (and constant) time, it comes out at the other end. Another (more audio-tech) analogy is the endless tape, where you record, the tape goes round, gets played back and immediately recorded again. This approach will not work if we want a reverse delay, because the things need to come out in different order than the order they were put in. So how can you do it? APPROACH ONE: Turning around Again taking the conveyor belt analogy, after the conveyor belt is full, we can simply turn it around and reverse the direction of travel. If we do feedback in a normal way (i.e. part of the output gets put on the conveyor belt again), we will end up with the contents playing back reverse-forward-reverse-... etc. The problem here: how do we know when to turn around the conveyor belt? If we just do it after the belt is full (i.e. it has run from beginning to end), our LTI system turns into being non-time-variant and for that reason, very hard to guess in its behaviour by the user. We could use a trigger to tell the delay when we start to fill the belt. With that, the delay between the trigger and the perceived beginning of delay playback is just the delay length. I believe (due to the availability of a trigger threshold), this is the way the D2 works. APPROACH TWO: Running two ways I will take the endless tape analogy here. Assume the tape is stationary and the heads are moving, and the behaviour stays the same (according to Einstein). Now ignore for one moment the problem of heads getting into each others' way. Now let's move the recording head in one direction and the playback head in the other direction. Having feedback according to the original meaning of the word (feeding back the output to the input) would also give us the reverse-forward effect. However, we can replace that with an approach which only erase the tape partially. With that, everything in the delay output is always reverse, and never reverse-of-reverse. Note that with that approach, the perceived length of the delay is cut in half. Also, the "when to turn the belt" problem gets replaced by the "when do the heads meet" problem. Due to the fact that in the DL4, the reverse delay time is half that of all other delays, I believe it uses this approach. Now...what other approaches are there? Is there one that is time-invariant without a trigger (and causal)? Is there another possibility? Any thoughts? Are you using reverse delays at all? Rainer