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Re: Will this work as an easy alternative for EDP footswitch?

I never use the sustain function on the gibson footwsitch. I just set it to where I click once to turn on a function and once to turn off. Are the long/short presses applicable in my case?

I would definitely love to have the bidule group so that I can use my equipment that I already have.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 6:01 AM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
hi Marcus,

Yep, it's possible to do this.

I've made a Bidule Group which converts a single ProgChange command
to the Note-On/Note-Off pair you'd need to operate the EDP.

That would give you the ShortPress functionality,
which is probably enough.

I'll mail it to you if you want it.

If you want to simulate a LongPress, you'll have to just convert to a single Note-On.

andy butler

andy butler wrote:
hi Marcus,
Unfortunately the edp needs a midi controller that sends something when the switch is released, so one that only sends ProgCh (on the downpress) is not going to work.

This is because edp distinguishes between longpress and shortpress.
..so you wouldn't be able to duplicate the exact working of an
edp with a footcontroller that had Note-On/Off

Only way round would be to have seperate switches for the LongPress and ShortPress
( e.g. a LongPress of the Record button is Reset)

For Shortpress, you'd need to convert PrgCh into a Note-On, Note-Off pair.
(right now, I don't see that Bidule can do that, but if you're really
 interested I'll go full out to find a way).

Bidule is the host of choice for Matthias and myself,
it's great for live audio work,
but if you're just wanting to handle midi, I wonder if
there's something more suitable that would allow you to easily convert one midi command into a midi string.

andy butler

Why not just get an fcb1010? (just asking)

marcus kirby wrote:
I don't know if anyone is familiar with plogue's 'bidule', but I have used it in the past, and it's a very advanced midi routing program. Essentially, I think that I could use a simple midi controller that only sends pcs, and translate those into specific velocity/channel/note controls, i.e. assign button 1 on my midi controller to trigger the release of a variable that triggers a function on the EDP.

Anyone worked with bidule or think this is possible?