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Re: OT- literature

The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann (for a more music-oriented work of similar geniusl try Dr. Faustus).  Also, try to skip the Harriet Lowe-Porter translation (good, but not as great as the more recent one by Woods).

Light In August - William Faulkner. Chapter 6, first sentence: Memory believes before knowing remembers.  Take it from there.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon.

The German Lesson - Seigfried Lenz

Ubik - Philip K. Dick

Those are very different books, all novels, and all have changed my perceptions of life in a profound way that survives the test of time (so far).  I have read each at least 2 times, seperated by decades, and found increased value with time

I would also add Sometimes A Great Notion by Ken Kesey, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope as alternatives.

Anything by Robert Anton Wilson - fiction or fact, who can tell?

For non-fiction, I would suggest:

Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye - as important a refernce as Anatomy of Style by Strunk & White (which all readers & writers should memorize and keep close at hand)

Improvised News: A Sociological Study of Rumor - Tomatsu Shibutani

The Sacred and The Profane by Mircea Eliade

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire - Gibbons

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William Shirer


Last, and by far not the least, perhaps the 2 books that most impacted my psyche (for good or bad) one "fiction", the other "non-fiction" but both blur in the same historical facts:

The Theory and Practice of Hell by Eugene Kogan

The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski

-----Original Message-----
From: J Johans
Sent: Sep 24, 2008 12:48 AM
To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: OT- literature

i know this isnt book club - but im hoping to find a few good books to read - anyone out there have a book that they credit with changing their lives? or atleast altering their view of reality a bit..??... if so, do share~!
im up for anything, i just read most of vonnegut - absolutely wonderful, but ive wiped out his catalogue and need a new author
- anything that will bend my mind and challenge my assumptions gets a gold star-

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