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Tim wrote: "Not the bouzouki he's playing in the opening part, nor the Weissenborn he's playing later, but the Najarian electric oud he's holding during the interview: it has no frets..." Doh!!!! It always helps to watch everything to be well informed. That'll teach me to try to participate on this list while I'm in the thick of coordinating and publicizing this looping festival. LOL, that's two Walker brothers gaffs in a single day.......... it makes me both cringe and chuckle fondly at the thought of a farm league baseball game that Bill and I both lost in one play for our previously leading team when we were little boys. The Walker Brothers will shine again, though........ stay tuned for NEW DELTA at the Y2K8 Loopfest!!!! Rick ps I'm incredibly lucky to have had David invites us up to play with him at a music festival in Santa Cruz a few years back. My dear friend, Debhashish Battycharya, and I had just done a completely improvised duet performance right before Lyndley took the stage with his percussionist. I had been on the short list to play with David several years back and went to meet him to discuss it, but he made his decision the day before I was to meet with him in Northern California and that was that. Fortunately, his wonderful current percussionist Wally Ingram has beaten cancer and is playing with him again. It was a real treat to sit in with him at that show. They were very gracious and fun to play with....we rocked it and Debhashish was nothing short of brilliant that day.