>>I am blown away by the posililities of Mobius, and playing with it occasionally, but I feel more conceptual, Like Im thinking what I want to do, then trying to write some code, testing it, playing for a bit, then back to analysis, and more programming... less "hands-on" and already Im getting the feeling that Ill never master it...
But after a while you go through that cycle enough times that you don't need to do it anymore since you've implemented all the things that you can conceive of. That's when you realize that you have created a custom looping instrument that exactly meets your specifications. I think Per is the Per-fect example of this. I've seen screenshots of his Bidule/ Mobius looping environment (Per, you are in fact my laptop looping inspiration!). No way you could pull that off with a dedicated hardware unit.
Even for my simple requirements, I find the Bidule/Mobius combination to be so powerful, I really don't think there is anything I'd want to do that I couldn't pull off with this setup. I've looked at hardware units, and none of them had everything I wanted (though honestly I didn't give the Looperlative as thorough an investigation as it may have deserved).
It does take longer to sort this stuff out, to be sure. But with Mobius, I've been on a plateau now for a couple of months where I haven't been programming anything other than occasionally changing the footswitch setup in the POK to reduce operator error rate. I haven't gotten in to Mobius scripting yet, but I haven't needed to. That will definitely be the next frontier. Just as soon as I've integrated some more guitar synth control stuff in to my playing...always something new!