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Hi all, Anybody ever read and wish to offer an opinion on Kenny Wheeler's book "Effortless Mastery"? Inspired by this thread I recalled Wheeler's book being recommended to me quite some time ago by a dear musician friend. I just ordered both books on this morning . . . so I guess I'll be reading 'em soon anyway. Just thought I'd ask. tEd ® kiLLiAn Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at Apple iTunes ---- Warren Sirota <> wrote: > I'm nearing the end of reading Victor Wooten's *The Music Lesson.* I'm >sure > most of you know and admire this amazing bassist. The book is a mystical > story about Wooten's spiritual ideas about music and performance (and >life). > There's a lot of stuff in there that is pretty far out, maybe >unbelievable, > but the attitudes and perspective on music has already changed me for the > better, I would say (or, perhaps more accurately, I was changing already >and > this has helped to focus some of that change). I know a musician who has >put > this book down in disgust, but I think it's really worth checking out. > > Warren