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Re: OT: Zoom H4 bass response (hearing oddities)

Buzap Buzap wrote:
>> The only good tip I can give you is get some good earplugs, and avoid
>> the tinnitus which will unavoidably plague you if you don't.
> Yes, please take this seriously. I know tons of people who had this 
> There are also really good plugs that reduce the volume very accurately, 
>without changing the frequency balances.
> Buzap
Talkin' ears: my tinnitus is an annoying hiss, but here's an additional 
something: I seem to perceive a 1/2 step higher pitch in my left ear!  I 
don't really notice it usually (seems like it would really mess up my 
music enjoyment, but it doesn't)...but recently on the phone, my friend 
is playing a riff, and says it's a D, and I play the note here on 
several instruments and I get a D#...and after a while switch the phone 
to my right ear, and suddenly it IS a D!  Mystery solved!  Hmmm... 

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