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andy butler schrieb: > Unfortunately, 128 steps is the standard that we have to work with for >CC. If you receive controller 1 for the MSB (128-bit) and then receive controller 33 for the LSB just add 1/128th of that value to the MSB (in what ever range it was) and you get a higher precision... That should work with faderboxes of higher precision like a Motormix out of the box... If you do rapid prototyping in Max/MSP, have a look at my abhaXion. The last versions of my St.ools are here... for Max 5: for Max 4: -- Les Ondes Mémorielles----x------- --_____-----------|-------------- --(_|_ ----|\-----|-----()------- -- _|_)----|-----()-------------- ----------()----------TJ Shredder