I'm just more comfortable
with using one track and cue up the loops on it to jump between them.
Totally.. Im easily confused as to what did I put on what track (in Mobius and Repeater) I still prefer the stay in one loop but jump to others paradigm.
I think that by stopping and starting LP1 loops it could feel the same... but not sure...
Yeah - I too used that looper routing more as "an effect box" than as
a "realt-time composing box". A fun trick was to send pitch changing
notes to the Repeater while overdubbing into it ;-)) But I found
that easier to control with Augustus Loop hosted by Live 5 and later
by Mobius scripting.
I actually find it pretty easy doing my way, I actually have a dedicated hardware analog sequencer foe exactlt the effect you describe... not very useful often, and only good on Repeater at small increments due to the annoying slur that repeater has when pitching... (never understood why that is, I never use cards to record onto, only storage, so im in memory no? why the slur?)
vice versa - loopist's trap is rather to go too slowly and become
boring ;-))
Phew.. doncha speak the truth my friend... tis the main difference between my bedroom performances and my live performances (I hope), why... I often go make a cup o char, leaving the loop, looping away in the background, now thats not only boring, but drives the girlfriend mad!