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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone have had the time to look into the new scripting option with Agustus Loop 2.0? There are some free scripts on the Expert Sleepers web site but not for what I'd like to do. My question is if it would be possible to write a script, for a multi track set up containing several instances of the looper, that would select which one of the instances that will react on a given MIDI input? I'd like to rig them up in Bidule. Some years ago I succeeded building a four channel looper with four instances of AL hosted in Live. I used MIDI clips in Live to handle some of the control data routing and found that it was easy to get a similar functionality as with Mobius or a multi EDP setup. No cuing up of loops of course ("MoreLoops" in the EDP) since AL doesn't support that (but it would be possible to work around as people to with SooperLooper and Looperlative 1). BAck then I also found out that it was not a good idea to use AL due to the clicking noises that followed when I sent the sequence of commands that would induce a SUS Replace functionality. But now I'm reading that Augustus Loop 2.0 is reworked to get rid of those pops and clicks (dedicated punch-in functionality) so I'd like to give this project a second try (if I can get my head around OSC and scripting, that is). Back when I made the prototype i Ableton Live I had to assign new foot pedal buttons to the same functionality in every instance of Agususts Loop, and that is not good for live playing because it forces you into using way too many foot pedals. So this projects sort of depends on the option to target one instance in particular while keeping the same foot pedal bank, simply directing it's control function into one of the loopers (or some of them). Sure, this jack routing of controlling MIDI input can be done in Bidule, but Bidule is so boring and tedious to program (maybe that's what makes it powerful?) so if such a functionality would be possible now thanks to OSC and scripting in 2.0 it would be a great time saver. I like Augustus Loop because it offers varispeed both playable by MIDI note steps and continuous with no steps ("scratch like"). It seems 2.0 also has time-stretching (pitch without changing loop length) but I haven't looked into that yet. There are so much under the hood in 2.0! Oh... the built-in effect loop seems cool. A send/return effect loop within the looper! I had that in my Repeater and experimented with putting stuff there; like my EDP or a reverb. The best box to put into the R's fx loop was the filterbank and I'm curious what cool sounds will be possible by AL 2.0 when putting software equivalents of a DJ filter bank into the looper's fx loop. goddammit, this mail just grows longer and longer... gotta stop here. -- Greetings from Sweden Per Boysen (Swedish) (international)