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This is the one year in the past five that I might actually be able to make it there, actually. Got to sell the house first though... ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick Walker" <> To: "LOOPERS DELIGHT (posting)" <> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:26 PM Subject: OT SANTA CRUZ site of the Y2K9 International Live Looping Festival > This is a fascinating article about the city that has declared > International Live Looping > Day in the city for the last five straight years and still boasts >perhaps > the largest > per capita population of live looping artists of any city on the planet. > > I'm proud of this place so I wanted to share it with all of you who have > played the > Y2K festivals in past years or are considering doing so. > Rick Walker > > > The Leftmost City: Power & Progressive Politics in Santa Cruz > > > by G. William Domhoff > > > December 2008 > > Santa Cruz, California may be the most politically progressive city in >the > United States.An unlikely confederation of socialist-feminists, > social-welfare liberals, neighborhood activists, and environmentalists >has > stopped every major development project since 1969 and controlled the >city > council since 1981. Berkeley, Burlington, Madison, San Francisco, Santa > Monica -- none of them had as progressive a government for even half as > long. > > Since most cities are usually controlled by real estate developers and > their buddies, Santa Cruz is a good test case for comparing theories of > urban power. Atypical cases are helpful in eliminating theories from > consideration if they cannot explain the unexpected events. > > That's why Richard Gendron and I wrote /The Leftmost City: Power and > Progressive Politics in Santa Cruz/ > <> > (Westview Press, 2009). It concludes that the growth coalition theory > <> of urban > power is the one urban theorists should build on because the basic > political conflict in Santa Cruz pitted downtown landowners and real > estate developers against neighborhood activists, who unexpectedly > triumphed because they had the help of faculty, staff, and students at >UC > Santa Cruz, the most liberal public university in the country, as well >as > environmentalists who wanted to protect the beautiful coastline from >Santa > Cruz to San Francisco. We then point out the weaknesses of the three >main > alternatives to growth coalition theory: public choice theory, urban > Marxist theory, and public choice theory, which are also discussed on >this > site > ><>. > > This Web site can be considered a supplement to that book for those who > want to know more about the history of the city and the political >leaders > who have run it. It also provides information on other books and Web >sites > about Santa Cruz. > > ><> > Map of California > [enlarge] > ><> > > > About Santa Cruz > > Santa Cruz is a picturesque city of 58,000 people on the Pacific > coast, 75 miles south of San Francisco. It may not be paradise, > but it's a very attractive place to live compared to many American > cities. Nestled on a ten-mile strip of coastal shelf land between > the heavily forested Santa Cruz Mountains to the north and the > shorelines of Monterey Bay to the south, the city has breathtaking > vistas > > ><> > > from > both its hillsides and beaches. > > The city enjoys an invigorating climate with moderate temperatures > year round: no snow or freezing weather in the winter, and very > few days in the summer with high humidity or temperatures above > 85°F. Most of the rain is in late fall, winter and early spring, > leaving many months of the year virtually free of precipitation. > The wind can be chilly near the ocean, and the fog a bit > depressing when it hangs on late into the day for a week or two, > but most days are sunny and clear. > > > A Brief History of Santa Cruz > > ><> > Logger on old-growth redwood tree, early 1900s > [enlarge] > ><> > > Thanks to a fast-flowing river and the heavily forested mountainsides, > Santa Cruz had a number of natural assets that made it possible for real > estate owners in the little central business district to attract > capitalists and workers to the area. The river currents were ideal for > powering lumber and paper mills, which provided a major boost for a >timber > industry that was profitable first and foremost because of its giant > redwood trees, renowned for their beauty, durability, and resistance to > decay and insects. An ample supply of madrone and alder trees, which > provided a good base for making explosives, brought a manufacturer of > blasting powder and gunpowder to an area in the mountains a few miles > northeast of the city. > > ><> > Lime kilns at the Cowell Ranch (now UCSC) > [enlarge] > ><> > > The abundance of bark from tan-oaks -- a cheap source of the tannic acid > necessary for tanning hides -- led to a large tanning industry; by 1870, > ten tanneries, making use of hides from the Mission Santa Cruz and the >few > remaining cattle ranches, supplied half the saddle leather produced in >the > state. And the limestone in the hills and mountains behind Santa Cruz > became valuable because of its role in making plaster and mortar for use > in the construction of stone or brick structures, leading to the > development of several limestone quarries that by 1880 were supplying >more > than half of the lime used for construction in the fast-growing cities >of > San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento. > > ><> > A 1947 "Suntan Special" train arrives from theBay Area > [enlarge] > ><> > > Because of its beachfront setting, Santa Cruz started to be a tourist > destination very shortly after California became a state in 1850, and it > has long been known for its laid-back atmosphere and beachfront >amusement > park and boardwalk, complete with an old-fashioned wooden roller > coaster -- the Giant Dipper -- that dates back to 1924. Santa Cruz is >also > renowned as a great place to surf or watch surfing contests, earning it >a > mention in the Beach Boys' 1963 classic "Surfin' USA." > > Santa Cruz became a college town in 1965 with the opening of a new >campus > of the University of California. The local landowners were overjoyed by > winning the competition for the new campus; they envisioned huge growth > based on new industries that wanted to be near a university. But no new > industries arrived. To their chagrin, however, the campus became a > competing power base, with its faculty, staff, and students providing > neighborhoods with the added money, expertise, and leadership necessary >to > reject or control new real estate developments when they impinged on the > quality of local life. The campus became even more of a "Trojan horse" > after 1971, when the 26th Amendment granted voting privileges to 18- to > 20-year-olds and made an already activist student body into an > overwhelmingly progressive voting bloc large enough to swing elections >in > a pro-neighborhood, pro-environment direction when it could be mobilized. > > Click here > <> for a > much more detailed history of Santa Cruz and its growth coalition. > > > The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake > > ><> > Damage from the 1989 earthquake > [enlarge] > ><> > > Beyond its atypical power structure, there is another reason why Santa > Cruz is an interesting test case: eight years after the progressives > finally took control of the city council, they faced an unprecedented > challenge when the main business district was almost completely >destroyed > by a large earthquake that struck the area on October 17, 1989, with its > epicenter just 10 miles from Santa Cruz. Three people were killed in the > downtown area and nearly half of the downtown buildings had to be torn > down, with many others suffering damage that required major repairs. > Stunned city residents huddled in grief as they saw the entire downtown > core being fenced off. > > The downtown businesses that didn't go bankrupt or move elsewhere had to > move into large tent-like pavilions that were hastily erected on city > parking lots just outside the cordoned-off area. In the process, the >quake > also put power issues on the table once again. It handed the >disheartened > business leaders what some of them saw as a golden opportunity to regain > their political ascendancy by showing how necessary they were to >economic > prosperity. For the progressives, the disaster was fraught with >political > danger: they needed to rebuild the downtown in order to have the tax > revenues to continue their ambitious social programs, but they feared >and > distrusted the downtown land and business owners after almost two >decades > of bitter political warfare. > > After a long political argument between the progressives and the >downtown > business community (which is discussed in detail in /The Leftmost >City/), > the city slowly recovered in the late 1990s and now has a new Pacific > Avenue that is almost as vibrant as the old Pacific Garden Mall. > > > For a more detailed account of the history of Santa Cruz from a > sociological perspective, please read the document entitled "The History > of Santa Cruz" > <>, >which > leads directly into"Progressive Politics in Santa Cruz" > ><>. > > > <> > > > > >