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would still be interesting, if the atari remains to have a better midi timing, then todays interfaces. it was still like that in 98, when i compared a ppc 7300 with the stf... phew, back then. just for fun i compared the performance index of my pizmo (213) with my ibook g4 1.2 (607) and my macbook 2.4GHz dual core (3112). isn't that hilarious? while the unlisted ppc 7300/166 mhz must have had a PI of about 60-80 i assume, that atari seems unreachably way down in the stone age of computers, but it's midi was already groovy and stable. compared to that then the zx81, which was my very first computer, seems kind of precambrian. Mine had 8KB of RAM, ...yes, ...kilobyte... now back to your new computer: it should be fast enough. enjoy it! j - - - jayrope On Dec 14, 2008, at 12:56 AM, wrote: > Re: buying new comp > > > On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 8:20 PM, jayrope LD <> > wrote: >> wanna buy my atari 1040stf? > > > No thanks. I still have my Atari ST 1040 that I purchased in 1988. > ...but no software for it ;-)